# Codes from the source dataset:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf8 -*
# read_td_events.py #
# Feb 2017 - Jean-Matthieu Maro
# Email: jean-matthieu dot maro, hosted at inserm, which is located in FRance.
# Thanks to Germain Haessig and Laurent Dardelet.
from struct import unpack, pack
import numpy as np
import sys
[文档]def peek(f, length=1):
pos = f.tell()
data = f.read(length)
return data
[文档]def readATIS_tddat(file_name, orig_at_zero = True, drop_negative_dt = True, verbose = True, events_restriction = [0, np.inf]):
reads ATIS td events in .dat format
filename: string, path to the .dat file
orig_at_zero: bool, if True, timestamps will start at 0
drop_negative_dt: bool, if True, events with a timestamp greater than the previous event are dismissed
verbose: bool, if True, verbose mode.
events_restriction: list [min ts, max ts], will return only events with ts in the defined boundaries
timestamps: numpy array of length (number of events), timestamps
coords: numpy array of size (number of events, 2), spatial coordinates: col 0 is x, col 1 is y.
polarities: numpy array of length (number of events), polarities
removed_events: integer, number of removed events (negative delta-ts)
polmask = 0x0002000000000000
xmask = 0x000001FF00000000
ymask = 0x0001FE0000000000
polpadding = 49
ypadding = 41
xpadding = 32
# This one read _td.dat files generated by kAER
if verbose:
print('Reading _td dat file... (' + file_name + ')')
file = open(file_name,'rb')
header = False
while peek(file) == b'%':
header = True
if header:
ev_type = unpack('B',file.read(1))[0]
ev_size = unpack('B',file.read(1))[0]
if verbose:
print('> Header exists. Event type is ' + str(ev_type) + ', event size is ' + str(ev_size))
if ev_size != 8:
print('Wrong event size. Aborting.')
return -1, -1, -1, -1
else: # set default ev type and size
if verbose:
print('> No header. Setting default event type and size.')
ev_size = 8
ev_type = 0
# Compute number of events in the file
start = file.tell()
stop = file.tell()
Nevents = int( (stop-start)/ev_size )
dNEvents = Nevents/100
if verbose:
print("> The file contains %d events." %Nevents)
# store read data
timestamps = np.zeros(Nevents, dtype = int)
polarities = np.zeros(Nevents, dtype = int)
coords = np.zeros((Nevents, 2), dtype = int)
ActualEvents = 0
for i in np.arange(0, int(Nevents)):
event = unpack('Q',file.read(8))
ts = event[0] & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
# padding = event[0] & 0xFFFC000000000000
pol = (event[0] & polmask) >> polpadding
y = (event[0] & ymask) >> ypadding
x = (event[0] & xmask) >> xpadding
if i >= events_restriction[0] and ts>=timestamps[max(0,i-1)]:
ActualEvents += 1
timestamps[i] = ts
polarities[i] = pol
coords[i, 0] = x
coords[i, 1] = y
if verbose and i%dNEvents == 0:
sys.stdout.write("> "+str(i/dNEvents)+"% \r")
if i > events_restriction[1]:
if verbose:
print ("> After loading events, actually found {0} events.".format(ActualEvents))
timestamps = timestamps[:ActualEvents]
coords = coords[:ActualEvents, :]
polarities = polarities[:ActualEvents]
#check for negative timestamps
for ts in timestamps:
if ts < 0:
print('Found a negative timestamp.')
if orig_at_zero:
timestamps = timestamps - timestamps[0]
drop_sum = 0
if drop_negative_dt:
if verbose:
print('> Looking for negative dts...')
# first check if negative TS differences
just_dropped = True
nPasses = 0
while just_dropped:
nPasses += 1
index_neg = []
just_dropped = False
ii = 0
while ii < (timestamps.size - 1):
dt = timestamps[ii+1] - timestamps[ii]
if dt < 0: # alors ts en ii+1 plus petit que ii
index_neg += [ii+1]
ii += 1
just_dropped = True
if verbose and ii%dNEvents == 0:
sys.stdout.write("> "+str(ii/dNEvents)+"% (pass "+str(nPasses)+") \r")
ii += 1
if len(index_neg) > 0:
drop_sum += len(index_neg)
index_neg = np.array(index_neg)
timestamps = np.delete(timestamps, index_neg)
polarities = np.delete(polarities, index_neg)
coords = np.delete(coords, index_neg, axis = 0)
if verbose:
print('> Removed {0} events in {1} passes.'.format(drop_sum, nPasses))
removed_events = drop_sum
removed_events = -1
if verbose:
print("> Sequence duration: {0:.2f}s, ts[0] = {1}, ts[{2}] = {3}.".format(float(timestamps[-1] - timestamps[0]) / 1e6, timestamps[0], len(timestamps)-1, timestamps[-1]))
return timestamps, coords, polarities, removed_events
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple
from .. import datasets as sjds
from torchvision.datasets.utils import extract_archive
import os
import multiprocessing
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import shutil
import time
from .. import configure
from ..datasets import np_savez
[文档]class NAVGestureWalk(sjds.NeuromorphicDatasetFolder):
# 6 gestures: left, right, up, down, home, select.
# 10 subjects, holding the phone in one hand (selfie mode) while walking indoor and outdoor
def __init__(
root: str,
data_type: str = 'event',
frames_number: int = None,
split_by: str = None,
duration: int = None,
custom_integrate_function: Callable = None,
custom_integrated_frames_dir_name: str = None,
transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
target_transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
) -> None:
The Nav Gesture dataset, which is proposed by `Event-Based Gesture Recognition With Dynamic Background Suppression Using Smartphone Computational Capabilities <https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2020.00275/full>`_.
Refer to :class:`spikingjelly.datasets.NeuromorphicDatasetFolder` for more details about params information.
super().__init__(root, None, data_type, frames_number, split_by, duration, custom_integrate_function, custom_integrated_frames_dir_name, transform, target_transform)
[文档] @staticmethod
def resource_url_md5() -> list:
:return: A list ``url`` that ``url[i]`` is a tuple, which contains the i-th file's name, download link, and MD5
:rtype: list
return [('navgesture-walk.zip', 'https://www.neuromorphic-vision.com/public/downloads/navgesture/navgesture-walk.zip', '5d305266f13005401959e819abe206f0')]
[文档] @staticmethod
def downloadable() -> bool:
:return: Whether the dataset can be directly downloaded by python codes. If not, the user have to download it manually
:rtype: bool
print('This dataset can not be downloaded now. Refer to https://github.com/fangwei123456/spikingjelly/issues/423 for more details.')
return False
[文档] @staticmethod
def get_H_W() -> Tuple:
:return: A tuple ``(H, W)``, where ``H`` is the height of the data and ``W` is the weight of the data.
For example, this function returns ``(128, 128)`` for the DVS128 Gesture dataset.
:rtype: tuple
return 240, 304 # this camera is 240*320, but x.max() = 303. So, I set W = 304.
[文档] @staticmethod
def load_origin_data(file_name: str) -> Dict:
t, xy, p, _ = readATIS_tddat(file_name, verbose=False)
x = xy[:, 0]
y = 239 - xy[:, 1]
return {'t': t, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'p': p}
[文档] @staticmethod
def read_aedat_save_to_np(bin_file: str, np_file: str):
t, xy, p, _ = readATIS_tddat(bin_file, verbose=False)
x = xy[:, 0]
y = 239 - xy[:, 1]
print(f'Save [{bin_file}] to [{np_file}].')
[文档] @staticmethod
def create_events_np_files(extract_root: str, events_np_root: str):
:param extract_root: Root directory path which saves extracted files from downloaded files
:type extract_root: str
:param events_np_root: Root directory path which saves events files in the ``npz`` format
:type events_np_root:
:return: None
This function defines how to convert the origin binary data in ``extract_root`` to ``npz`` format and save converted files in ``events_np_root``.
t_ckp = time.time()
np_dir_dict = {}
for label in ['le', 'ri', 'up', 'do', 'ho', 'se']:
np_dir = os.path.join(events_np_root, label)
print(f'Mkdir [{np_dir}].')
np_dir_dict[label] = np_dir
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
configure.max_threads_number_for_datasets_preprocess)) as tpe:
for user_name in os.listdir(extract_root):
sub_threads = []
aedat_dir = os.path.join(extract_root, user_name)
for bin_file in os.listdir(aedat_dir):
base_name = os.path.splitext(bin_file)[0]
label = base_name.split('_')[1]
source_file = os.path.join(aedat_dir, bin_file)
target_file = os.path.join(np_dir_dict[label], base_name + '.npz')
print(f'Start to convert [{source_file}] to [{target_file}].')
sub_threads.append(tpe.submit(NAVGestureWalk.read_aedat_save_to_np, source_file,
for sub_thread in sub_threads:
if sub_thread.exception():
print(f'Used time = [{round(time.time() - t_ckp, 2)}s].')
[文档]class NAVGestureSit(NAVGestureWalk):
[文档] @staticmethod
def resource_url_md5() -> list:
:return: A list ``url`` that ``url[i]`` is a tuple, which contains the i-th file's name, download link, and MD5
:rtype: list
return [('navgesture-sit.zip', 'https://www.neuromorphic-vision.com/public/downloads/navgesture/navgesture-sit.zip', '1571753ace4d9e0946e6503313712c22')]