spikingjelly.datasets.nav_gesture 源代码

# Codes from the source dataset:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf8 -*
# read_td_events.py #
# Feb 2017 - Jean-Matthieu Maro
# Email: jean-matthieu dot maro, hosted at inserm, which is located in FRance.
# Thanks to Germain Haessig and Laurent Dardelet.

from struct import unpack, pack
import numpy as np
import sys

[文档]def peek(f, length=1): pos = f.tell() data = f.read(length) f.seek(pos) return data
[文档]def readATIS_tddat(file_name, orig_at_zero = True, drop_negative_dt = True, verbose = True, events_restriction = [0, np.inf]): """ reads ATIS td events in .dat format input: filename: string, path to the .dat file orig_at_zero: bool, if True, timestamps will start at 0 drop_negative_dt: bool, if True, events with a timestamp greater than the previous event are dismissed verbose: bool, if True, verbose mode. events_restriction: list [min ts, max ts], will return only events with ts in the defined boundaries output: timestamps: numpy array of length (number of events), timestamps coords: numpy array of size (number of events, 2), spatial coordinates: col 0 is x, col 1 is y. polarities: numpy array of length (number of events), polarities removed_events: integer, number of removed events (negative delta-ts) """ polmask = 0x0002000000000000 xmask = 0x000001FF00000000 ymask = 0x0001FE0000000000 polpadding = 49 ypadding = 41 xpadding = 32 # This one read _td.dat files generated by kAER if verbose: print('Reading _td dat file... (' + file_name + ')') file = open(file_name,'rb') header = False while peek(file) == b'%': file.readline() header = True if header: ev_type = unpack('B',file.read(1))[0] ev_size = unpack('B',file.read(1))[0] if verbose: print('> Header exists. Event type is ' + str(ev_type) + ', event size is ' + str(ev_size)) if ev_size != 8: print('Wrong event size. Aborting.') return -1, -1, -1, -1 else: # set default ev type and size if verbose: print('> No header. Setting default event type and size.') ev_size = 8 ev_type = 0 # Compute number of events in the file start = file.tell() file.seek(0,2) stop = file.tell() file.seek(start) Nevents = int( (stop-start)/ev_size ) dNEvents = Nevents/100 if verbose: print("> The file contains %d events." %Nevents) # store read data timestamps = np.zeros(Nevents, dtype = int) polarities = np.zeros(Nevents, dtype = int) coords = np.zeros((Nevents, 2), dtype = int) ActualEvents = 0 for i in np.arange(0, int(Nevents)): event = unpack('Q',file.read(8)) ts = event[0] & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF # padding = event[0] & 0xFFFC000000000000 pol = (event[0] & polmask) >> polpadding y = (event[0] & ymask) >> ypadding x = (event[0] & xmask) >> xpadding if i >= events_restriction[0] and ts>=timestamps[max(0,i-1)]: ActualEvents += 1 timestamps[i] = ts polarities[i] = pol coords[i, 0] = x coords[i, 1] = y if verbose and i%dNEvents == 0: sys.stdout.write("> "+str(i/dNEvents)+"% \r") sys.stdout.flush() if i > events_restriction[1]: break file.close() if verbose: print ("> After loading events, actually found {0} events.".format(ActualEvents)) timestamps = timestamps[:ActualEvents] coords = coords[:ActualEvents, :] polarities = polarities[:ActualEvents] #check for negative timestamps for ts in timestamps: if ts < 0: print('Found a negative timestamp.') if orig_at_zero: timestamps = timestamps - timestamps[0] drop_sum = 0 if drop_negative_dt: if verbose: print('> Looking for negative dts...') # first check if negative TS differences just_dropped = True nPasses = 0 while just_dropped: nPasses += 1 index_neg = [] just_dropped = False ii = 0 while ii < (timestamps.size - 1): dt = timestamps[ii+1] - timestamps[ii] if dt < 0: # alors ts en ii+1 plus petit que ii index_neg += [ii+1] ii += 1 just_dropped = True if verbose and ii%dNEvents == 0: sys.stdout.write("> "+str(ii/dNEvents)+"% (pass "+str(nPasses)+") \r") sys.stdout.flush() ii += 1 if len(index_neg) > 0: drop_sum += len(index_neg) index_neg = np.array(index_neg) timestamps = np.delete(timestamps, index_neg) polarities = np.delete(polarities, index_neg) coords = np.delete(coords, index_neg, axis = 0) if verbose: print('> Removed {0} events in {1} passes.'.format(drop_sum, nPasses)) removed_events = drop_sum else: removed_events = -1 if verbose: print("> Sequence duration: {0:.2f}s, ts[0] = {1}, ts[{2}] = {3}.".format(float(timestamps[-1] - timestamps[0]) / 1e6, timestamps[0], len(timestamps)-1, timestamps[-1])) return timestamps, coords, polarities, removed_events
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple from .. import datasets as sjds from torchvision.datasets.utils import extract_archive import os import multiprocessing from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import shutil import time from .. import configure from ..datasets import np_savez