spikingjelly.visualizing 源代码

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[文档]def plot_2d_heatmap(array: np.ndarray, title: str, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, int_x_ticks=True, int_y_ticks=True, plot_colorbar=True, colorbar_y_label='magnitude', x_max=None, dpi=200): ''' :param array: shape=[T, N]的任意数组 :param title: 热力图的标题 :param xlabel: 热力图的x轴的label :param ylabel: 热力图的y轴的label :param int_x_ticks: x轴上是否只显示整数刻度 :param int_y_ticks: y轴上是否只显示整数刻度 :param plot_colorbar: 是否画出显示颜色和数值对应关系的colorbar :param colorbar_y_label: colorbar的y轴label :param x_max: 横轴的最大刻度。若设置为 ``None``,则认为横轴的最大刻度是 ``array.shape[1]`` :param dpi: 绘图的dpi :return: 绘制好的figure 绘制一张二维的热力图。可以用来绘制一张表示多个神经元在不同时刻的电压的热力图,示例代码: .. code-block:: python import torch from spikingjelly.clock_driven import neuron from spikingjelly import visualizing from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np lif = neuron.LIFNode(tau=100.) x = torch.rand(size=[32]) * 4 T = 50 s_list = [] v_list = [] for t in range(T): s_list.append(lif(x).unsqueeze(0)) v_list.append(lif.v.unsqueeze(0)) s_list = torch.cat(s_list) v_list = torch.cat(v_list) visualizing.plot_2d_heatmap(array=np.asarray(v_list), title='Membrane Potentials', xlabel='Simulating Step', ylabel='Neuron Index', int_x_ticks=True, x_max=T, dpi=200) plt.show() .. image:: ./_static/API/visualizing/plot_2d_heatmap.* :width: 100% ''' if array.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected 2D array, got {array.ndim}D array instead") fig, heatmap = plt.subplots(dpi=dpi) if x_max is not None: im = heatmap.imshow(array.T, aspect='auto', extent=[-0.5, x_max, array.shape[1] - 0.5, -0.5]) else: im = heatmap.imshow(array.T, aspect='auto') heatmap.set_title(title) heatmap.set_xlabel(xlabel) heatmap.set_ylabel(ylabel) heatmap.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=int_x_ticks)) heatmap.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=int_y_ticks)) heatmap.xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) heatmap.yaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) if plot_colorbar: cbar = heatmap.figure.colorbar(im) cbar.ax.set_ylabel(colorbar_y_label, rotation=90, va='top') cbar.ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) return fig
[文档]def plot_2d_bar_in_3d(array: np.ndarray, title: str, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, zlabel: str, int_x_ticks=True, int_y_ticks=True, int_z_ticks=False, dpi=200): ''' :param array: shape=[T, N]的任意数组 :param title: 图的标题 :param xlabel: x轴的label :param ylabel: y轴的label :param zlabel: z轴的label :param int_x_ticks: x轴上是否只显示整数刻度 :param int_y_ticks: y轴上是否只显示整数刻度 :param int_z_ticks: z轴上是否只显示整数刻度 :param dpi: 绘图的dpi :return: 绘制好的figure 将shape=[T, N]的任意数组,绘制为三维的柱状图。可以用来绘制多个神经元的脉冲发放频率,随着时间的变化情况,示例代码: .. code-block:: python import torch from spikingjelly import visualizing from matplotlib import pyplot as plt Epochs = 5 N = 10 firing_rate = torch.zeros(Epochs, N) init_firing_rate = torch.rand(size=[N]) for i in range(Epochs): firing_rate[i] = torch.softmax(init_firing_rate * (i + 1) ** 2, dim=0) visualizing.plot_2d_bar_in_3d(firing_rate.numpy(), title='spiking rates of output layer', xlabel='neuron index', ylabel='training epoch', zlabel='spiking rate', int_x_ticks=True, int_y_ticks=True, int_z_ticks=False, dpi=200) plt.show() .. image:: ./_static/API/visualizing/plot_2d_bar_in_3d.png 也可以用来绘制一张表示多个神经元在不同时刻的电压的热力图,示例代码: .. code-block:: python import torch from spikingjelly import visualizing from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from spikingjelly.clock_driven import neuron neuron_num = 4 T = 50 lif_node = neuron.LIFNode(tau=100.) w = torch.rand([neuron_num]) * 10 v_list = [] for t in range(T): lif_node(w * torch.rand(size=[neuron_num])) v_list.append(lif_node.v.unsqueeze(0)) v_list = torch.cat(v_list) visualizing.plot_2d_bar_in_3d(v_list, title='voltage of neurons', xlabel='neuron index', ylabel='simulating step', zlabel='voltage', int_x_ticks=True, int_y_ticks=True, int_z_ticks=False, dpi=200) plt.show() .. image:: ./_static/API/visualizing/plot_2d_bar_in_3d_1.png ''' if array.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected 2D array, got {array.ndim}D array instead") fig = plt.figure(dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_title(title) colormap = plt.get_cmap('tab10') # cmap的种类参见https://matplotlib.org/gallery/color/colormap_reference.html array_T = array.T xs = np.arange(array_T.shape[1]) for i in range(array_T.shape[0]): ax.bar(xs, array_T[i], i, zdir='x', color=colormap(i % 10), alpha=0.8) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=int_x_ticks)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=int_y_ticks)) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=int_z_ticks)) return fig
[文档]def plot_1d_spikes(spikes: np.asarray, title: str, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, int_x_ticks=True, int_y_ticks=True, plot_firing_rate=True, firing_rate_map_title='Firing Rate', dpi=200): ''' :param spikes: shape=[T, N]的np数组,其中的元素只为0或1,表示N个时长为T的脉冲数据 :param title: 热力图的标题 :param xlabel: 热力图的x轴的label :param ylabel: 热力图的y轴的label :param int_x_ticks: x轴上是否只显示整数刻度 :param int_y_ticks: y轴上是否只显示整数刻度 :param plot_firing_rate: 是否画出各个脉冲发放频率 :param firing_rate_map_title: 脉冲频率发放图的标题 :param dpi: 绘图的dpi :return: 绘制好的figure 画出N个时长为T的脉冲数据。可以用来画N个神经元在T个时刻的脉冲发放情况,示例代码: .. code-block:: python import torch from spikingjelly.clock_driven import neuron from spikingjelly import visualizing from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np lif = neuron.LIFNode(tau=100.) x = torch.rand(size=[32]) * 4 T = 50 s_list = [] v_list = [] for t in range(T): s_list.append(lif(x).unsqueeze(0)) v_list.append(lif.v.unsqueeze(0)) s_list = torch.cat(s_list) v_list = torch.cat(v_list) visualizing.plot_1d_spikes(spikes=np.asarray(s_list), title='Membrane Potentials', xlabel='Simulating Step', ylabel='Neuron Index', dpi=200) plt.show() .. image:: ./_static/API/visualizing/plot_1d_spikes.* :width: 100% ''' if spikes.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected 2D array, got {spikes.ndim}D array instead") spikes_T = spikes.T if plot_firing_rate: fig = plt.figure(tight_layout=True, dpi=dpi) gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 5) spikes_map = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0:4]) firing_rate_map = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 4]) else: fig, spikes_map = plt.subplots() spikes_map.set_title(title) spikes_map.set_xlabel(xlabel) spikes_map.set_ylabel(ylabel) spikes_map.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=int_x_ticks)) spikes_map.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=int_y_ticks)) spikes_map.xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) spikes_map.yaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) spikes_map.set_xlim(-0.5, spikes_T.shape[1] - 0.5) spikes_map.set_ylim(-0.5, spikes_T.shape[0] - 0.5) spikes_map.invert_yaxis() N = spikes_T.shape[0] T = spikes_T.shape[1] t = np.arange(0, T) t_spike = spikes_T * t mask = (spikes_T == 1) # eventplot中的数值是时间发生的时刻,因此需要用mask筛选出 colormap = plt.get_cmap('tab10') # cmap的种类参见https://matplotlib.org/gallery/color/colormap_reference.html for i in range(N): spikes_map.eventplot(t_spike[i][mask[i]], lineoffsets=i, colors=colormap(i % 10)) if plot_firing_rate: firing_rate = np.mean(spikes_T, axis=1, keepdims=True) max_rate = firing_rate.max() min_rate = firing_rate.min() firing_rate_map.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) firing_rate_map.yaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) firing_rate_map.imshow(firing_rate, cmap='magma', aspect='auto') for i in range(firing_rate.shape[0]): firing_rate_map.text(0, i, f'{firing_rate[i][0]:.2f}', ha='center', va='center', color='w' if firing_rate[i][0] < 0.7 * max_rate or min_rate == max_rate else 'black') firing_rate_map.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) firing_rate_map.set_title(firing_rate_map_title) return fig
[文档]def plot_2d_spiking_feature_map(spikes: np.asarray, nrows, ncols, space, title: str, dpi=200): ''' :param spikes: shape=[C, W, H],C个尺寸为W * H的脉冲矩阵,矩阵中的元素为0或1。这样的矩阵一般来源于卷积层后的脉冲神经元的输出 :param nrows: 画成多少行 :param ncols: 画成多少列 :param space: 矩阵之间的间隙 :param title: 图的标题 :param dpi: 绘图的dpi :return: 一个figure,将C个矩阵全部画出,然后排列成nrows行ncols列 将C个尺寸为W * H的脉冲矩阵,全部画出,然后排列成nrows行ncols列。这样的矩阵一般来源于卷积层后的脉冲神经元的输出,通过这个函数\\ 可以对输出进行可视化。示例代码: .. code-block:: python from spikingjelly import visualizing import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt C = 48 W = 8 H = 8 spikes = (np.random.rand(C, W, H) > 0.8).astype(float) visualizing.plot_2d_spiking_feature_map(spikes=spikes, nrows=6, ncols=8, space=2, title='Spiking Feature Maps', dpi=200) plt.show() .. image:: ./_static/API/visualizing/plot_2d_spiking_feature_map.* :width: 100% ''' if spikes.ndim != 3: raise ValueError(f"Expected 3D array, got {spikes.ndim}D array instead") C = spikes.shape[0] assert nrows * ncols == C, 'nrows * ncols != C' h = spikes.shape[1] w = spikes.shape[2] y = np.ones(shape=[(h + space) * nrows, (w + space) * ncols]) * spikes.max().item() index = 0 for i in range(space // 2, y.shape[0], h + space): for j in range(space // 2, y.shape[1], w + space): y[i:i + h, j:j + w] = spikes[index] index += 1 fig, maps = plt.subplots(dpi=dpi) maps.set_title(title) maps.imshow(y, cmap='gray') maps.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) maps.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) return fig, maps
[文档]def plot_one_neuron_v_s(v: np.ndarray, s: np.ndarray, v_threshold=1.0, v_reset=0.0, title='$V_{t}$ and $S_{t}$ of the neuron', dpi=200): ''' :param v: shape=[T], 存放神经元不同时刻的电压 :param s: shape=[T], 存放神经元不同时刻释放的脉冲 :param v_threshold: 神经元的阈值电压 :param v_reset: 神经元的重置电压。也可以为 ``None`` :param title: 图的标题 :param dpi: 绘图的dpi :return: 一个figure 绘制单个神经元的电压、脉冲随着时间的变化情况。示例代码: .. code-block:: python import torch from spikingjelly.clock_driven import neuron from spikingjelly import visualizing from matplotlib import pyplot as plt lif = neuron.LIFNode(tau=100.) x = torch.Tensor([2.0]) T = 150 s_list = [] v_list = [] for t in range(T): s_list.append(lif(x)) v_list.append(lif.v) visualizing.plot_one_neuron_v_s(v_list, s_list, v_threshold=lif.v_threshold, v_reset=lif.v_reset, dpi=200) plt.show() .. image:: ./_static/API/visualizing/plot_one_neuron_v_s.* :width: 100% ''' fig = plt.figure(dpi=dpi) ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=2) ax0.set_title(title) T = s.shape[0] t = np.arange(0, T) ax0.plot(t, v) ax0.set_xlim(-0.5, T - 0.5) ax0.set_ylabel('voltage') ax0.axhline(v_threshold, label='$V_{threshold}$', linestyle='-.', c='r') if v_reset is not None: ax0.axhline(v_reset, label='$V_{reset}$', linestyle='-.', c='g') ax0.legend() t_spike = s * t mask = (s == 1) # eventplot中的数值是时间发生的时刻,因此需要用mask筛选出 ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (2, 0)) ax1.eventplot(t_spike[mask], lineoffsets=0, colors='r') ax1.set_xlim(-0.5, T - 0.5) ax1.set_xlabel('simulating step') ax1.set_ylabel('spike') ax1.set_yticks([]) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) return fig, ax0, ax1