Implement CUPY Neuron

Author: fangwei123456

This tutorial will introduce how to implement the cupy backend for spiking neurons. We suppose the reader:

  1. Can implement simple element-wise CUDA kernels

  2. Can implement custom backward with torch.autograd.Function

  3. Has read all APIs doc in spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda.base, and can implement 2D CUDA kernel by spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda.base

Implement Forward Propagation Through Time

If we want to implement Forward Propagation Through Time (FPTT) by a python function, then the function should use the following input args:

  • v_init: shape = [N], which is the initial membrane potential at current time-step (the membrane potential after neuronal firing at the last time-step), where N is the number of neurons. When the neurons are multidimensional, N should be the number of neurons after flattening

  • x_seq: shape = [T, N], the input of T time-steps

  • v_th: float, the threshold potential

If we use hard reset, we need an extra arg:

  • v_reset: float, the reset potential

The output of the python FPTT function should include:

  • spike_seq: shape = [T, N], the output spikes at T time-steps

  • v_seq: shape = [T, N], the membrane potential after neuronal firing at T time-steps. We output the membrane potential of all time-steps rather than only the last time-step, because we may use this data

If we implement the FPTT by CUDA, we will use some extra args, which will be introduced later.

spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda.neuron_kernel.NeuronFPTTKernel is inherited from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda.base.CKernel2D. NeuronFPTTKernel is the base class for FPTT. Let us print its CUDA kernel declaration:

from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda import neuron_kernel

base_kernel = neuron_kernel.NeuronFPTTKernel(hard_reset=True, dtype='float')
for key, value in base_kernel.cparams.items():
    print(f'key="{key}",'.ljust(20), f'value="{value}"'.ljust(20))

The outputs are:

key="numel",         value="const int &"
key="N",             value="const int &"
key="x_seq",         value="const float *"
key="v_v_seq",       value="float *"
key="h_seq",         value="float *"
key="spike_seq",     value="float *"
key="v_th",          value="float &"
key="v_reset",       value="float &"

Most args have been introduced before. The new args are:

  • numel: the number of elements in input/output tensors, which is numel = T * N

  • N: the number of neurons

  • v_v_seq: shape = [T + 1, N], which is concatenated from v_init and v_seq

  • h_seq: shape = [T, N], the membrane potential after neuronal charging but before neuronal firing, which will be used in backward

NeuronFPTTKernel is the base class of neurons’ FPTT CUDA kernels. Similar to spikingjelly.activation_based.neuron.BaseNode, it has implemented the neuronal fire and neuronal reset functions. When we want to implement a neuron FPTT kernel, we only need to inherit it and implement the neuronal charge function.

Firstly, let us check the full codes of NeuronFPTTKernel:

from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda import neuron_kernel

base_kernel = neuron_kernel.NeuronFPTTKernel(hard_reset=True, dtype='float')

The outputs are:

#include <cuda_fp16.h>
extern "C" __global__
void NeuronFPTTKernel_float_hard_reset(
const int & numel, const int & N, const float * x_seq, float * v_v_seq, float * h_seq, float * spike_seq, float & v_th, float & v_reset

    const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index < N)
        const int dt = N;

        for(int t = index; t < numel; t += dt)

          // neuronal_charge should be defined here!;
          spike_seq[t] = (h_seq[t] - v_th) >= 0.0f ? 1.0f: 0.0f;
          v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t] * (1.0f - spike_seq[t]) + v_reset * spike_seq[t];



We can find that this kernel is almost finished. We only need to add the neuronal charge function.

The neuronal_charge function in NeuronFPTTKernel is:

class NeuronFPTTKernel(base.CKernel2D):
    # ...

    def neuronal_charge(self) -> str:
        :return: CUDA code
        :rtype: str

        Returns CUDA code for calculating :math:`H[t] = f(X[t], V[t-1], ...)`.

        This function should define how ``h_seq[t]`` is calculated by ``x_seq[t], v_v_seq[t]`` and other params if
        the neuron needs.

        For example, the IF neuron defines this function as:

        .. code-block:: python

            def neuronal_charge(self) -> str:
                # note that v_v_seq[t] is v_seq[t - dt]
                return cfunction.add(z='h_seq[t]', x='x_seq[t]', y='v_v_seq[t]', dtype=self.dtype)
        return '// neuronal_charge should be defined here!'

To implement the new neuron, we only need to define the neuronal_charge function. Take the IF neuron as the example, whose neuronal charge function is:

\[H[t] = V[t - 1] + X[t]\]

And we can implement it as:

from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda import neuron_kernel, cfunction

class IFNodeFPTTKernel(neuron_kernel.NeuronFPTTKernel):

    def neuronal_charge(self) -> str:
        # note that v_v_seq[t] is v_seq[t - dt]
        return cfunction.add(z='h_seq[t]', x='x_seq[t]', y='v_v_seq[t]', dtype=self.dtype)

if_fptt_kernel = IFNodeFPTTKernel(hard_reset=True, dtype='float')

The outputs are:

#include <cuda_fp16.h>
extern "C" __global__
void IFNodeFPTTKernel_float_hard_reset(
const int & numel, const int & N, const float * x_seq, float * v_v_seq, float * h_seq, float * spike_seq, float & v_th, float & v_reset

    const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index < N)
        const int dt = N;

        for(int t = index; t < numel; t += dt)

          h_seq[t] = x_seq[t] + v_v_seq[t];
          spike_seq[t] = (h_seq[t] - v_th) >= 0.0f ? 1.0f: 0.0f;
          v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t] * (1.0f - spike_seq[t]) + v_reset * spike_seq[t];



The above codes have implemented a complete CUDA kernel. We can find that it is easy to implement the kernel with NeuronFPTTKernel.

Note that we use cfunction.add:

def neuronal_charge(self) -> str:
    # note that v_v_seq[t] is v_seq[t - dt]
    return cfunction.add(z='h_seq[t]', x='x_seq[t]', y='v_v_seq[t]', dtype=self.dtype)

We do not write codes like:

def neuronal_charge(self) -> str:
    # note that v_v_seq[t] is v_seq[t - dt]
    return 'h_seq[t] = x_seq[t] + v_v_seq[t];'

The reason is functions in spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda.cfunction provide both float and half2 implementation. Thus, it is more convenient than we write CUDA code with different data types manually.

If we set dtype='half2', we will get the kernel of half2:

from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda import neuron_kernel, cfunction

class IFNodeFPTTKernel(neuron_kernel.NeuronFPTTKernel):

    def neuronal_charge(self) -> str:
        # note that v_v_seq[t] is v_seq[t - dt]
        return cfunction.add(z='h_seq[t]', x='x_seq[t]', y='v_v_seq[t]', dtype=self.dtype)

if_fptt_kernel = IFNodeFPTTKernel(hard_reset=True, dtype='half2')

The outputs are:

#include <cuda_fp16.h>
extern "C" __global__
void IFNodeFPTTKernel_half2_hard_reset(
const int & numel, const int & N, const half2 * x_seq, half2 * v_v_seq, half2 * h_seq, half2 * spike_seq, half2 & v_th, half2 & v_reset

    const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index < N)
        const int dt = N;

        for(int t = index; t < numel; t += dt)

          h_seq[t] = __hadd2(x_seq[t], v_v_seq[t]);
          spike_seq[t] = __hgeu2(__hsub2(h_seq[t], v_th), __float2half2_rn(0.0f));
          v_v_seq[t + dt] = __hfma2(h_seq[t], __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), __hmul2(v_reset, spike_seq[t]));



Implement Back Propagation Through Time

It is harder to implement Back Propagation Through Time (BPTT) than FPTT. Firstly, let us review how the forward of the neuron is defined in SpikingJelly:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} H[t] &= f(V[t - 1], X[t])\\ S[t] &= \Theta(H[t] - V_{th})\\ V[t] &= \begin{cases} H[t]\left( 1 - S[t] \right) + V_{reset}S[t], &\text{Hard Reset}\\ H[t] - V_{th}S[t], &\text{Soft Reset}\\ \end{cases} \end{align}\end{split}\]

The FPTT has the formulation:

\[S[1,2,...,T], V[1,2,...,T] = F_{fp}(X[1,2,...,T], V[0])\]

Correspondingly, the BPTT should use the formulation as:

\[\frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} X[1,2,...,T]},\frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} V[0]} = F_{bp}(\frac{\partial L}{\partial S[1,2,...,T]},\frac{\partial L}{\partial V[1,2,...,T]})\]

Thus, the input args for the BPTT function are:

  • grad_spike_seq: shape = [T, N], the gradients of spike_seq

  • grad_v_seq: shape = [T, N], the gradients of v_seq

The outputs of BPTT function are:

  • grad_x_seq: shape = [T, N], the gradients of x_seq

  • grad_v_init: shape = [N], the gradients of v_init

According to the forward, we can calculate the backward as:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} X[t]} &= \frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} H[t]} \frac{\mathrm{d} H[t]}{\mathrm{d} X[t]}\\ \frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} H[t]} &=\frac{\partial L}{\partial S[t]}\frac{\mathrm{d} S[t]}{\mathrm{d} H[t]} + (\frac{\partial L}{\partial V[t]}+\frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} H[t+1]}\frac{\mathrm{d} H[t+1]}{\mathrm{d} V[t]})\frac{\mathrm{d} V[t]}{\mathrm{d} H[t]}\\ \frac{\mathrm{d} S[t]}{\mathrm{d} H[t]} &= \Theta'(H[t] - V_{th})\\ \frac{\mathrm{d} V[t]}{\mathrm{d} H[t]} &= \begin{cases} 1 - S[t] + (-H[t] + V_{reset})\frac{\partial S[t]}{\partial H[t]}(1-D_{reset}), &\text{Hard Reset}\\ 1 - V_{th}\frac{\partial S[t]}{\partial H[t]}(1-D_{reset}), &\text{Soft Reset}\\ \end{cases} \end{align}\end{split}\]

where \(D_{reset}\) denotes whether we detach the neuronal reset:

\[\begin{split}D_{reset} = \begin{cases} 1, &\text{Detach Reset}\\ 0, &\text{Not Detach Reset}\\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Finally, we get the backward formulation:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} H[t]} &=\frac{\partial L}{\partial S[t]}\frac{\mathrm{d} S[t]}{\mathrm{d} H[t]} + (\frac{\partial L}{\partial V[t]}+\frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} H[t+1]}\frac{\mathrm{d} H[t+1]}{\mathrm{d} V[t]})\frac{\mathrm{d} V[t]}{\mathrm{d} H[t]}\\ \frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} X[t]} &= \frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} H[t]}\frac{\mathrm{d} H[t]}{\mathrm{d} X[t]}\\ \frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} V[0]} &= \frac{\mathrm{d} L}{\mathrm{d} H[1]}\frac{\mathrm{d} H[1]}{\mathrm{d} V[0]} \end{align}\end{split}\]

where \(\frac{\mathrm{d} H[t+1]}{\mathrm{d} V[t]}, \frac{\mathrm{d} H[t]}{\mathrm{d} X[t]}\) are determined by the neuron’s charge function \(H[t] = f(V[t - 1], X[t])\). \(\frac{\mathrm{d} S[t]}{\mathrm{d} H[t]}\) is determined by the surrogate function. While other gradients compilation is general and can be used for all kinds of neurons.

spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda.neuron_kernel.NeuronBPTTKernel has implemented the general compilation. Let us check its declaration:

from spikingjelly.activation_based import surrogate
from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda import neuron_kernel

base_kernel = neuron_kernel.NeuronBPTTKernel(surrogate_function=surrogate.Sigmoid().cuda_codes, hard_reset=True, detach_reset=False, dtype='float')
for key, value in base_kernel.cparams.items():
    print(f'key="{key}",'.ljust(22), f'value="{value}"'.ljust(20))

The outputs are:

key="numel",           value="const int &"
key="N",               value="const int &"
key="grad_spike_seq",  value="const float *"
key="grad_v_seq",      value="const float *"
key="h_seq",           value="const float *"
key="grad_x_seq",      value="float *"
key="grad_v_init",     value="float *"
key="v_th",            value="float &"
key="v_reset",         value="float &"

We have introduced these args before.

Note that we use NeuronBPTTKernel(surrogate_function=surrogate.Sigmoid().cuda_codes, ... because we need to define the surrogate function before applying backward.

Surrogate functions in SpikingJelly provide the cuda_codes function to create CUDA codes for backward. Let us check this function in spikingjelly.activation_based.surrogate.Sigmoid:

class Sigmoid(SurrogateFunctionBase):
    # ...
    def cuda_codes(self, y: str, x: str, dtype: str):
        return cfunction.sigmoid_backward(y=y, x=x, alpha=self.alpha, dtype=dtype)

Now let us print its codes:

from spikingjelly.activation_based import surrogate
print(surrogate.Sigmoid().cuda_codes(y='grad_s', x='over_th', dtype='float'))

The outputs are:

const float sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax = 1.0f / (1.0f + expf(- (4.0f) * over_th));
grad_s = (1.0f - sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax) * sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax * (4.0f);

To implement the custom surrogate function with support for CUDA kernel, we need to define the cuda_codes function by the following formulation:

class CustomSurrogateFunction:
    # ...
    def cuda_codes(self, y: str, x: str, dtype: str):
        # ...

Now let us check the full codes of NeuronBPTTKernel:

from spikingjelly.activation_based import surrogate
from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda import neuron_kernel

base_kernel = neuron_kernel.NeuronBPTTKernel(surrogate_function=surrogate.Sigmoid().cuda_codes, hard_reset=True, detach_reset=False, dtype='float')

The outputs are:

#include <cuda_fp16.h>
extern "C" __global__
void NeuronBPTTKernel_float_hard_reset_nodetach_reset(
const int & N, const float * grad_spike_seq, float * grad_v_init, const float * grad_v_seq, float * grad_x_seq, const float * h_seq, const int & numel, float & v_reset, float & v_th

    const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index < N)
        const int dt = N;

        float grad_h = 0.0f;

        for(int t = numel - N + index; t >= 0; t -= dt)

          const float over_th = h_seq[t] - v_th;
          const float spike_seq_t = over_th >= 0.0f ? 1.0f: 0.0f;
          const float sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax = 1.0f / (1.0f + expf(- (4.0f) * over_th));
          const float grad_s_to_h = (1.0f - sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax) * sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax * (4.0f);
          float grad_v_to_h = (1.0f) - spike_seq_t;
           float temp_var = v_reset - h_seq[t];
           temp_var = temp_var * grad_s_to_h;
           grad_v_to_h = temp_var + grad_v_to_h;
          // grad_h_next_to_v should be defined here!;
          grad_h = grad_h * grad_h_next_to_v;
          grad_h = grad_v_seq[t] + grad_h;
          grad_h = grad_h * grad_v_to_h;
           float temp_var = grad_spike_seq[t] * grad_s_to_h;
           grad_h = grad_h + temp_var;
          // grad_h_to_x should be defined here!;
          grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h * grad_h_to_x;


        // grad_h_next_to_v should be defined here!;
        grad_v_init[index] = grad_h * grad_h_next_to_v;


The comments in the above codes are what we should complete. These functions to be completed are defined in NeuronBPTTKernel:

class NeuronBPTTKernel(base.CKernel2D):
    # ...
    def grad_h_next_to_v(self) -> str:
        :return: CUDA code
        :rtype: str

        Returns CUDA code for calculating :math:`\\frac{\\mathrm{d} H[t+1]}{\\mathrm{d} V[t]}`.

        This function should define how ``grad_h_next_to_v`` is calculated. Note that ``grad_h_next_to_v`` has not been
        declared. Thus, this function should also declare ``grad_h_next_to_v``.

        For example, the IF neuron defines this function as:

        .. code-block:: python

            def grad_h_next_to_v(self) -> str:
                return cfunction.constant(y=f'const {self.dtype} grad_h_next_to_v', x=1., dtype=self.dtype)
        return '// grad_h_next_to_v should be defined here!'

    def grad_h_to_x(self) -> str:
        :return: CUDA code
        :rtype: str

        Returns CUDA code for calculating :math:`\\frac{\\mathrm{d} H[t]}{\\mathrm{d} X[t]}`.

        This function should define how ``grad_h_to_x`` is calculated. Note that ``grad_h_to_x`` has not been
        declared. Thus, this function should also declare ``grad_h_to_x``.

        For example, the IF neuron defines this function as:

        .. code-block:: python

            def grad_h_to_x(self) -> str:
                return cfunction.constant(y=f'const {self.dtype} grad_h_to_x', x=1., dtype=self.dtype)
        return '// grad_h_to_x should be defined here!'

For the IF neuron, \(\frac{\mathrm{d} H[t+1]}{\mathrm{d} V[t]}=1, \frac{\mathrm{d} H[t]}{\mathrm{d} X[t]}=1\). Thus, we can implement the BPTT kernel easily:

class IFNodeBPTTKernel(neuron_kernel.NeuronBPTTKernel):
    def grad_h_next_to_v(self) -> str:
        return cfunction.constant(y=f'const {self.dtype} grad_h_next_to_v', x=1., dtype=self.dtype)

    def grad_h_to_x(self) -> str:
        return cfunction.constant(y=f'const {self.dtype} grad_h_to_x', x=1., dtype=self.dtype)

Then we can print the full codes of the BPTT kernel of the IF neuron:

from spikingjelly.activation_based import surrogate
from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda import neuron_kernel, cfunction

class IFNodeBPTTKernel(neuron_kernel.NeuronBPTTKernel):
    def grad_h_next_to_v(self) -> str:
        return cfunction.constant(y=f'const {self.dtype} grad_h_next_to_v', x=1., dtype=self.dtype)

    def grad_h_to_x(self) -> str:
        return cfunction.constant(y=f'const {self.dtype} grad_h_to_x', x=1., dtype=self.dtype)

kernel = IFNodeBPTTKernel(surrogate_function=surrogate.Sigmoid().cuda_codes, hard_reset=True, detach_reset=False, dtype='float')
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
extern "C" __global__
void IFNodeBPTTKernel_float_hard_reset_nodetach_reset(
const int & N, const float * grad_spike_seq, float * grad_v_init, const float * grad_v_seq, float * grad_x_seq, const float * h_seq, const int & numel, float & v_reset, float & v_th

    const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index < N)
        const int dt = N;

        float grad_h = 0.0f;

        for(int t = numel - N + index; t >= 0; t -= dt)

          const float over_th = h_seq[t] - v_th;
          const float spike_seq_t = over_th >= 0.0f ? 1.0f: 0.0f;
          const float sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax = 1.0f / (1.0f + expf(- (4.0f) * over_th));
          const float grad_s_to_h = (1.0f - sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax) * sigmoid_backward__sigmoid_ax * (4.0f);
          float grad_v_to_h = (1.0f) - spike_seq_t;
           float temp_var = v_reset - h_seq[t];
           temp_var = temp_var * grad_s_to_h;
           grad_v_to_h = temp_var + grad_v_to_h;
          const float grad_h_next_to_v = 1.0f;
          grad_h = grad_h * grad_h_next_to_v;
          grad_h = grad_v_seq[t] + grad_h;
          grad_h = grad_h * grad_v_to_h;
           float temp_var = grad_spike_seq[t] * grad_s_to_h;
           grad_h = grad_h + temp_var;
          const float grad_h_to_x = 1.0f;
          grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h * grad_h_to_x;


        const float grad_h_next_to_v = 1.0f;
        grad_v_init[index] = grad_h * grad_h_next_to_v;


Python Wrap

Now we need to use torch.autograd.Function to wrap the FPTT and BPTT CUDA kernel.

spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda.neuron_kernel.NeuronATGFBase provides some useful functions to help us wrap. We suppose that the user has read the APIs docs of NeuronATGFBase.

Firstly, we should determine the input. In SpikingJelly, the CUDA kernels will be used as input args, rather than created by the autograd Function (we did this before version forward function is defined as:

class IFNodeATGF(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, v_th: float, v_reset: float or None,
                forward_kernel: IFNodeFPTTKernel, backward_kernel: IFNodeBPTTKernel):

Then, we will create py_dict and use NeuronATGFBase.pre_forward to preprocess it:

py_dict = {
    'x_seq': x_seq,
    'v_init': v_init,
    'v_th': v_th,
    'v_reset': v_reset
requires_grad, blocks, threads, py_dict = NeuronATGFBase.pre_forward(py_dict)

And we can call the forward CUDA kernel directly:

forward_kernel((blocks,), (threads,), py_dict)

Do not forget to save the params for backward:

NeuronATGFBase.ctx_save(ctx, requires_grad, py_dict['h_seq'], blocks=blocks, threads=threads,
                       numel=py_dict['numel'], N=py_dict['N'], v_th=py_dict['v_th'], v_reset=py_dict['v_reset'],

Finally, we return the spikes and membrane potential of T time-steps. Note that we should return v_v_seq[1:] because v_v_seq[0] is v_init:

return py_dict['spike_seq'], py_dict['v_v_seq'][1:, ]

The full codes of the python forward autograd function are:

class IFNodeATGF(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, v_th: float, v_reset: float or None,
                forward_kernel: IFNodeFPTTKernel, backward_kernel: IFNodeBPTTKernel):
        py_dict = {
            'x_seq': x_seq,
            'v_init': v_init,
            'v_th': v_th,
            'v_reset': v_reset
        requires_grad, blocks, threads, py_dict = NeuronATGFBase.pre_forward(py_dict)

        forward_kernel((blocks,), (threads,), py_dict)

        NeuronATGFBase.ctx_save(ctx, requires_grad, py_dict['h_seq'], blocks=blocks, threads=threads,
                        numel=py_dict['numel'], N=py_dict['N'], v_th=py_dict['v_th'], v_reset=py_dict['v_reset'],

        return py_dict['spike_seq'], py_dict['v_v_seq'][1:, ]

Now we need to implement the backward autograd function. Note that the input args for backward are the gradients of output args of forward. Thus, the input args are:

class IFNodeATGF(torch.autograd.Function):
    def backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq: torch.Tensor, grad_v_seq: torch.Tensor):

We use NeuronATGFBase.pre_backward to preprocess args to get the args for the CUDA kernel:

backward_kernel, blocks, threads, py_dict = NeuronATGFBase.pre_backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq)

And then we can call the backward kernel:

backward_kernel((blocks,), (threads,), py_dict)

Finally, we return the gradients. Note that the number of return args is identical to the number of input args for forward:

return py_dict['grad_x_seq'], py_dict['grad_v_init'], None, None, None, None

The full codes are:

class IFNodeATGF(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, v_th: float, v_reset: float or None,
                forward_kernel: IFNodeFPTTKernel, backward_kernel: IFNodeBPTTKernel):
        py_dict = {
            'x_seq': x_seq,
            'v_init': v_init,
            'v_th': v_th,
            'v_reset': v_reset
        requires_grad, blocks, threads, py_dict = NeuronATGFBase.pre_forward(py_dict)

        forward_kernel((blocks,), (threads,), py_dict)

        NeuronATGFBase.ctx_save(ctx, requires_grad, py_dict['h_seq'], blocks=blocks, threads=threads,
                        numel=py_dict['numel'], N=py_dict['N'], v_th=py_dict['v_th'], v_reset=py_dict['v_reset'],

        return py_dict['spike_seq'], py_dict['v_v_seq'][1:, ]

    def backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq: torch.Tensor, grad_v_seq: torch.Tensor):

        backward_kernel, blocks, threads, py_dict = NeuronATGFBase.pre_backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq)
        backward_kernel((blocks,), (threads,), py_dict)

        return py_dict['grad_x_seq'], py_dict['grad_v_init'], None, None, None, None

Implement the CUPY backend

We have implemented IFNodeFPTTKernel, IFNodeBPTTKernel, IFNodeATGF. Now we can use them to implement the simplified IF neuron with CUPY backend.

Here are the codes:

from spikingjelly.activation_based.auto_cuda.neuron_kernel import IFNodeFPTTKernel, IFNodeBPTTKernel, IFNodeATGF

# put sources of ``IFNodeFPTTKernel, IFNodeBPTTKernel, IFNodeATGF`` before the following codes

import torch
from typing import Callable
from spikingjelly.activation_based import base, surrogate

class CUPYIFNode(base.MemoryModule):
    def __init__(self, v_threshold: float = 1., v_reset: float or None = 0.,
                surrogate_function: Callable = surrogate.Sigmoid(), detach_reset: bool = False):
        self.v_threshold = v_threshold
        self.v_reset = v_reset
        self.surrogate_function = surrogate_function
        self.detach_reset = detach_reset
        self.step_mode = 'm'
        if v_reset is not None:
            self.register_memory('v', v_reset)
            self.register_memory('v', 0.)

    def multi_step_forward(self, x_seq: torch.Tensor):

        if isinstance(self.v, float):
            self.v = torch.zeros_like(x_seq[0])

        hard_reset = self.v_reset is not None
        if x_seq.dtype == torch.float:
            dtype = 'float'
        elif x_seq.dtype == torch.half:
            dtype = 'half2'

        forward_kernel = IFNodeFPTTKernel(hard_reset=hard_reset, dtype=dtype)
        backward_kernel = IFNodeBPTTKernel(surrogate_function=self.surrogate_function.cuda_codes, hard_reset=hard_reset, detach_reset=self.detach_reset, dtype=dtype)

        # All tensors wil be regard as 2D or 1D. Thus, we use flatten
        spike_seq, v_seq = IFNodeATGF.apply(x_seq.flatten(1), self.v.flatten(), self.v_threshold, self.v_reset, forward_kernel, backward_kernel)

        spike_seq = spike_seq.view(x_seq.shape)
        self.v = v_seq[-1].view(x_seq.shape[1:])

        return spike_seq

Let us check the output error compared with the python neuron:

from spikingjelly.activation_based import neuron

def max_error(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor):
    return (x - y).abs().max()

T = 8
N = 64
C = 32 * 32 * 32
device = 'cuda:0'
x_seq = torch.rand([T, N, C], device=device, requires_grad=True)

net_cupy = CUPYIFNode()
y_cupy = net_cupy(x_seq)
x_grad_cupy = x_seq.grad.clone()

net_torch = neuron.IFNode(backend='torch', step_mode='m')
y_torch = net_torch(x_seq)
x_grad_torch = x_seq.grad.clone()

print('max error of y_seq', max_error(y_cupy, y_torch))
print('max error of x_seq.grad', max_error(x_grad_cupy, x_grad_torch))

The outputs are:

max error of y_seq tensor(0., device='cuda:0')
max error of x_seq.grad tensor(1.3113e-06, device='cuda:0')

We can find that the error is almost zero, indicating that our implementation is correct.

Then let us evaluate the speed. The following experiment is running on NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000:

from spikingjelly.activation_based import neuron, cuda_utils, functional

def forward_backward(net: torch.nn.Module, x_seq: torch.Tensor):
    y_seq = net(x_seq)

N = 64
C = 32 * 32 * 32
device = 'cuda:0'

net_cupy = CUPYIFNode()
net_torch = neuron.IFNode(backend='torch', step_mode='m')

repeats = 16

for dtype in [torch.float, torch.half]:
    for T in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]:
        x_seq = torch.rand([T, N, C], device=device, requires_grad=True, dtype=dtype)

        t_cupy = cuda_utils.cal_fun_t(repeats, device, forward_backward, net_cupy, x_seq)
        t_torch = cuda_utils.cal_fun_t(repeats, device, forward_backward, net_torch, x_seq)

        print(f'dtype={dtype}, T={T},'.ljust(30), f't_torch / t_cupy = {round(t_torch / t_cupy, 2)}')

The outputs are:

dtype=torch.float32, T=2,      t_torch / t_cupy = 0.59
dtype=torch.float32, T=4,      t_torch / t_cupy = 1.47
dtype=torch.float32, T=8,      t_torch / t_cupy = 2.67
dtype=torch.float32, T=16,     t_torch / t_cupy = 4.17
dtype=torch.float32, T=32,     t_torch / t_cupy = 6.93
dtype=torch.float16, T=2,      t_torch / t_cupy = 0.68
dtype=torch.float16, T=4,      t_torch / t_cupy = 1.31
dtype=torch.float16, T=8,      t_torch / t_cupy = 2.2
dtype=torch.float16, T=16,     t_torch / t_cupy = 4.77
dtype=torch.float16, T=32,     t_torch / t_cupy = 6.7

We can find that when using T >= 4, our neuron with CUPY kernel is much faster than the python neuron.

When T is small, due to the jit acceleration used in SpikingJelly, the python neuron is faster. It is caused by that the jit is faster when the operation is simple. For example, we can hardly write an element-wise CUDA kernel that is faster than jit.