spikingjelly.datasets.n_mnist 源代码

from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import spikingjelly.datasets as sjds
from torchvision.datasets.utils import extract_archive
import os
import multiprocessing
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import time
from ..configure import max_threads_number_for_datasets_preprocess

[文档]class NMNIST(sjds.NeuromorphicDatasetFolder): def __init__( self, root: str, train: bool = None, data_type: str = 'event', frames_number: int = None, split_by: str = None, duration: int = None, custom_integrate_function: Callable = None, custom_integrated_frames_dir_name: str = None, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, target_transform: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> None: ''' :param root: root path of the dataset :type root: str :param train: whether use the train set :type train: bool :param data_type: `event` or `frame` :type data_type: str :param frames_number: the integrated frame number :type frames_number: int :param split_by: `time` or `number` :type split_by: str :param duration: the time duration of each frame :type duration: int :param custom_integrate_function: a user-defined function that inputs are ``events, H, W``. ``events`` is a dict whose keys are ``['t', 'x', 'y', 'p']`` and values are ``numpy.ndarray`` ``H`` is the height of the data and ``W`` is the weight of the data. For example, H=128 and W=128 for the DVS128 Gesture dataset. The user should define how to integrate events to frames, and return frames. :type custom_integrate_function: Callable :param custom_integrated_frames_dir_name: The name of directory for saving frames integrating by ``custom_integrate_function``. If ``custom_integrated_frames_dir_name`` is ``None``, it will be set to ``custom_integrate_function.__name__`` :type custom_integrated_frames_dir_name: str or None :param transform: a function/transform that takes in a sample and returns a transformed version. E.g, ``transforms.RandomCrop`` for images. :type transform: callable :param target_transform: a function/transform that takes in the target and transforms it. :type target_transform: callable If ``data_type == 'event'`` the sample in this dataset is a dict whose keys are ``['t', 'x', 'y', 'p']`` and values are ``numpy.ndarray``. If ``data_type == 'frame'`` and ``frames_number`` is not ``None`` events will be integrated to frames with fixed frames number. ``split_by`` will define how to split events. See :class:`spikingjelly.datasets.cal_fixed_frames_number_segment_index` for more details. If ``data_type == 'frame'``, ``frames_number`` is ``None``, and ``duration`` is not ``None`` events will be integrated to frames with fixed time duration. If ``data_type == 'frame'``, ``frames_number`` is ``None``, ``duration`` is ``None``, and ``custom_integrate_function`` is not ``None``: events will be integrated by the user-defined function and saved to the ``custom_integrated_frames_dir_name`` directory in ``root`` directory. Here is an example from SpikingJelly's tutorials: .. code-block:: python from spikingjelly.datasets.dvs128_gesture import DVS128Gesture from typing import Dict import numpy as np import spikingjelly.datasets as sjds def integrate_events_to_2_frames_randomly(events: Dict, H: int, W: int): index_split = np.random.randint(low=0, high=events['t'].__len__()) frames = np.zeros([2, 2, H, W]) frames[0] = sjds.integrate_events_segment_to_frame(events, H, W, 0, index_split) frames[1] = sjds.integrate_events_segment_to_frame(events, H, W, index_split, events['t'].__len__()) return frames root_dir = 'D:/datasets/DVS128Gesture' train_set = DVS128Gesture(root_dir, train=True, data_type='frame', custom_integrate_function=integrate_events_to_2_frames_randomly) from spikingjelly.datasets import play_frame frame, label = train_set[500] play_frame(frame) ''' assert train is not None super().__init__(root, train, data_type, frames_number, split_by, duration, custom_integrate_function, custom_integrated_frames_dir_name, transform, target_transform)
[文档] @staticmethod def resource_url_md5() -> list: ''' :return: A list ``url`` that ``url[i]`` is a tuple, which contains the i-th file's name, download link, and MD5 :rtype: list ''' url = 'https://www.garrickorchard.com/datasets/n-mnist' return [ ('Train.zip', url, '20959b8e626244a1b502305a9e6e2031'), ('Test.zip', url, '69ca8762b2fe404d9b9bad1103e97832') ]
[文档] @staticmethod def downloadable() -> bool: ''' :return: Whether the dataset can be directly downloaded by python codes. If not, the user have to download it manually :rtype: bool ''' return False
[文档] @staticmethod def extract_downloaded_files(download_root: str, extract_root: str): ''' :param download_root: Root directory path which saves downloaded dataset files :type download_root: str :param extract_root: Root directory path which saves extracted files from downloaded files :type extract_root: str :return: None This function defines how to extract download files. ''' with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 2)) as tpe: for zip_file in os.listdir(download_root): zip_file = os.path.join(download_root, zip_file) print(f'Extract [{zip_file}] to [{extract_root}].') tpe.submit(extract_archive, zip_file, extract_root)
[文档] @staticmethod def load_origin_data(file_name: str) -> Dict: ''' :param file_name: path of the events file :type file_name: str :return: a dict whose keys are ``['t', 'x', 'y', 'p']`` and values are ``numpy.ndarray`` :rtype: Dict This function defines how to read the origin binary data. ''' return sjds.load_ATIS_bin(file_name)
[文档] @staticmethod def get_H_W() -> Tuple: ''' :return: A tuple ``(H, W)``, where ``H`` is the height of the data and ``W` is the weight of the data. For example, this function returns ``(128, 128)`` for the DVS128 Gesture dataset. :rtype: tuple ''' return 34, 34
[文档] @staticmethod def read_bin_save_to_np(bin_file: str, np_file: str): events = NMNIST.load_origin_data(bin_file) np.savez(np_file, t=events['t'], x=events['x'], y=events['y'], p=events['p'] ) print(f'Save [{bin_file}] to [{np_file}].')
[文档] @staticmethod def create_events_np_files(extract_root: str, events_np_root: str): ''' :param extract_root: Root directory path which saves extracted files from downloaded files :type extract_root: str :param events_np_root: Root directory path which saves events files in the ``npz`` format :type events_np_root: :return: None This function defines how to convert the origin binary data in ``extract_root`` to ``npz`` format and save converted files in ``events_np_root``. ''' t_ckp = time.time() with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), max_threads_number_for_datasets_preprocess)) as tpe: # too many threads will make the disk overload for train_test_dir in ['Train', 'Test']: source_dir = os.path.join(extract_root, train_test_dir) target_dir = os.path.join(events_np_root, train_test_dir.lower()) os.mkdir(target_dir) print(f'Mkdir [{target_dir}].') for class_name in os.listdir(source_dir): bin_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, class_name) np_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, class_name) os.mkdir(np_dir) print(f'Mkdir [{np_dir}].') for bin_file in os.listdir(bin_dir): source_file = os.path.join(bin_dir, bin_file) target_file = os.path.join(np_dir, os.path.splitext(bin_file)[0] + '.npz') print(f'Start to convert [{source_file}] to [{target_file}].') tpe.submit(NMNIST.read_bin_save_to_np, source_file, target_file) print(f'Used time = [{round(time.time() - t_ckp, 2)}s].')