spikingjelly.activation_based.encoding 源代码

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from . import functional
import math
from . import base, neuron, surrogate
from abc import abstractmethod

[文档]class StatelessEncoder(nn.Module, base.StepModule): def __init__(self, step_mode='s'): """ * :ref:`API in English <StatelessEncoder.__init__-en>` .. _StatelessEncoder.__init__-cn: 无状态编码器的基类。无状态编码器 ``encoder = StatelessEncoder()``,直接调用 ``encoder(x)`` 即可将 ``x`` 编码为 ``spike``。 * :ref:`中文API <StatelessEncoder.__init__-cn>` .. _StatelessEncoder.__init__-en: The base class of stateless encoder. The stateless encoder ``encoder = StatelessEncoder()`` can encode ``x`` to ``spike`` by ``encoder(x)``. """ super().__init__() self.step_mode = step_mode
[文档] @abstractmethod def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): """ * :ref:`API in English <StatelessEncoder.forward-en>` .. _StatelessEncoder.forward-cn: :param x: 输入数据 :type x: torch.Tensor :return: ``spike``, shape 与 ``x.shape`` 相同 :rtype: torch.Tensor * :ref:`中文API <StatelessEncoder.forward-cn>` .. _StatelessEncoder.forward-en: :param x: input data :type x: torch.Tensor :return: ``spike``, whose shape is same with ``x.shape`` :rtype: torch.Tensor """ raise NotImplementedError
[文档]class StatefulEncoder(base.MemoryModule): def __init__(self, T: int, step_mode='s'): """ * :ref:`API in English <StatefulEncoder.__init__-en>` .. _StatefulEncoder.__init__-cn: :param T: 编码周期。通常情况下,与SNN的仿真周期(总步长一致) :type T: int 有状态编码器的基类。有状态编码器 ``encoder = StatefulEncoder(T)``,编码器会在首次调用 ``encoder(x)`` 时对 ``x`` 进行编码。在第 ``t`` 次调用 ``encoder(x)`` 时会输出 ``spike[t % T]`` .. code-block:: python encoder = StatefulEncoder(T) s_list = [] for t in range(T): s_list.append(encoder(x)) # s_list[t] == spike[t] * :ref:`中文API <StatefulEncoder.__init__-cn>` .. _StatefulEncoder.__init__-en: :param T: the encoding period. It is usually same with the total simulation time-steps of SNN :type T: int The base class of stateful encoder. The stateful encoder ``encoder = StatefulEncoder(T)`` will encode ``x`` to ``spike`` at the first time of calling ``encoder(x)``. It will output ``spike[t % T]`` at the ``t`` -th calling .. code-block:: python encoder = StatefulEncoder(T) s_list = [] for t in range(T): s_list.append(encoder(x)) # s_list[t] == spike[t] """ super().__init__() self.step_mode = step_mode assert isinstance(T, int) and T >= 1 self.T = T self.register_memory('spike', None) self.register_memory('t', 0)
[文档] def single_step_forward(self, x: torch.Tensor = None): """ * :ref:`API in English <StatefulEncoder.forward-en>` .. _StatefulEncoder.forward-cn: :param x: 输入数据 :type x: torch.Tensor :return: ``spike``, shape 与 ``x.shape`` 相同 :rtype: torch.Tensor * :ref:`中文API <StatefulEncoder.forward-cn>` .. _StatefulEncoder.forward-en: :param x: input data :type x: torch.Tensor :return: ``spike``, whose shape is same with ``x.shape`` :rtype: torch.Tensor """ if self.spike is None: self.single_step_encode(x) t = self.t self.t += 1 if self.t >= self.T: self.t = 0 return self.spike[t]
[文档] @abstractmethod def single_step_encode(self, x: torch.Tensor): """ * :ref:`API in English <StatefulEncoder.single_step_encode-en>` .. _StatefulEncoder.single_step_encode-cn: :param x: 输入数据 :type x: torch.Tensor :return: ``spike``, shape 与 ``x.shape`` 相同 :rtype: torch.Tensor * :ref:`中文API <StatefulEncoder.single_step_encode-cn>` .. _StatefulEncoder.single_step_encode-en: :param x: input data :type x: torch.Tensor :return: ``spike``, whose shape is same with ``x.shape`` :rtype: torch.Tensor """ raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def extra_repr(self) -> str: return f'T={self.T}'
[文档]class PeriodicEncoder(StatefulEncoder): def __init__(self, spike: torch.Tensor, step_mode='s'): """ * :ref:`API in English <PeriodicEncoder.__init__-en>` .. _PeriodicEncoder.__init__-cn: :param spike: 输入脉冲 :type spike: torch.Tensor 周期性编码器,在第 ``t`` 次调用时输出 ``spike[t % T]``,其中 ``T = spike.shape[0]`` .. warning:: 不要忘记调用reset,因为这个编码器是有状态的。 * :ref:`中文API <PeriodicEncoder.__init__-cn>` .. _PeriodicEncoder.__init__-en: :param spike: the input spike :type spike: torch.Tensor The periodic encoder that outputs ``spike[t % T]`` at ``t`` -th calling, where ``T = spike.shape[0]`` .. admonition:: Warning :class: warning Do not forget to reset the encoder because the encoder is stateful! """ super().__init__(spike.shape[0], step_mode)
[文档] def single_step_encode(self, spike: torch.Tensor): self.spike = spike self.T = spike.shape[0]
[文档]class LatencyEncoder(StatefulEncoder): def __init__(self, T: int, enc_function='linear', step_mode='s'): """ * :ref:`API in English <LatencyEncoder.__init__-en>` .. _LatencyEncoder.__init__-cn: :param T: 最大(最晚)脉冲发放时刻 :type T: int :param enc_function: 定义使用哪个函数将输入强度转化为脉冲发放时刻,可以为 `linear` 或 `log` :type enc_function: str 延迟编码器,将 ``0 <= x <= 1`` 的输入转化为在 ``0 <= t_f <= T-1`` 时刻发放的脉冲。输入的强度越大,发放越早。 当 ``enc_function == 'linear'`` .. math:: t_f(x) = (T - 1)(1 - x) 当 ``enc_function == 'log'`` .. math:: t_f(x) = (T - 1) - ln(\\alpha * x + 1) 其中 :math:`\alpha` 满足 :math:`t_f(1) = T - 1` 实例代码: .. code-block:: python x = torch.rand(size=[8, 2]) print('x', x) T = 20 encoder = LatencyEncoder(T) for t om range(T): print(encoder(x)) .. warning:: 必须确保 ``0 <= x <= 1``。 .. warning:: 不要忘记调用reset,因为这个编码器是有状态的。 * :ref:`中文API <LatencyEncoder.__init__-cn>` .. _LatencyEncoder.__init__-en: :param T: the maximum (latest) firing time :type T: int :param enc_function: how to convert intensity to firing time. `linear` or `log` :type enc_function: str The latency encoder will encode ``0 <= x <= 1`` to spike whose firing time is ``0 <= t_f <= T-1``. A larger ``x`` will cause a earlier firing time. If ``enc_function == 'linear'`` .. math:: t_f(x) = (T - 1)(1 - x) If ``enc_function == 'log'`` .. math:: t_f(x) = (T - 1) - ln(\\alpha * x + 1) where :math:`\alpha` satisfies :math:`t_f(1) = T - 1` Example: .. code-block:: python x = torch.rand(size=[8, 2]) print('x', x) T = 20 encoder = LatencyEncoder(T) for t in range(T): print(encoder(x)) .. admonition:: Warning :class: warning The user must assert ``0 <= x <= 1``. .. admonition:: Warning :class: warning Do not forget to reset the encoder because the encoder is stateful! """ super().__init__(T, step_mode) if enc_function == 'log': self.alpha = math.exp(T - 1.) - 1. elif enc_function != 'linear': raise NotImplementedError self.enc_function = enc_function
[文档] def single_step_encode(self, x: torch.Tensor): if self.enc_function == 'log': t_f = (self.T - 1. - torch.log(self.alpha * x + 1.)).round().long() else: t_f = ((self.T - 1.) * (1. - x)).round().long() self.spike = F.one_hot(t_f, num_classes=self.T).to(x) # [*, T] -> [T, *] d_seq = list(range(self.spike.ndim - 1)) d_seq.insert(0, self.spike.ndim - 1) self.spike = self.spike.permute(d_seq)
[文档]class PoissonEncoder(StatelessEncoder): def __init__(self, step_mode='s'): """ * :ref:`API in English <PoissonEncoder.__init__-en>` .. _PoissonEncoder.__init__-cn: 无状态的泊松编码器。输出脉冲的发放概率与输入 ``x`` 相同。 .. warning:: 必须确保 ``0 <= x <= 1``。 * :ref:`中文API <PoissonEncoder.__init__-cn>` .. _PoissonEncoder.__init__-en: The poisson encoder will output spike whose firing probability is ``x``。 .. admonition:: Warning :class: warning The user must assert ``0 <= x <= 1``. """ super().__init__(step_mode)
[文档] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): out_spike = torch.rand_like(x).le(x).to(x) return out_spike
[文档]class WeightedPhaseEncoder(StatefulEncoder): def __init__(self, K: int, step_mode='s'): """ * :ref:`API in English <WeightedPhaseEncoder.__init__-en>` .. _WeightedPhaseEncoder.__init__-cn: :param K: 编码周期。通常情况下,与SNN的仿真周期(总步长一致) :type K: int Kim J, Kim H, Huh S, et al. Deep neural networks with weighted spikes[J]. Neurocomputing, 2018, 311: 373-386. 带权的相位编码,一种基于二进制表示的编码方法。 将输入按照二进制各位展开,从高位到低位遍历输入进行脉冲编码。相比于频率编码,每一位携带的信息量更多。编码相位数为 :math:`K` 时, 可以对于处于区间 :math:`[0, 1-2^{-K}]` 的数进行编码。以下为原始论文中的示例: +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Phase (K=8) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +==================================+================+================+================+================+================+================+================+================+ | Spike weight :math:`\omega(t)` | 2\ :sup:`-1` | 2\ :sup:`-2` | 2\ :sup:`-3` | 2\ :sup:`-4` | 2\ :sup:`-5` | 2\ :sup:`-6` | 2\ :sup:`-7` | 2\ :sup:`-8` | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | 192/256 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | 1/256 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | 128/256 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | 255/256 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ .. warning:: 不要忘记调用reset,因为这个编码器是有状态的。 * :ref:`中文API <WeightedPhaseEncoder.__init__-cn>` .. _WeightedPhaseEncoder.__init__-en: :param K: the encoding period. It is usually same with the total simulation time-steps of SNN :type K: int The weighted phase encoder, which is based on binary system. It will flatten ``x`` as a binary number. When ``T=k``, it can encode :math:`x \in [0, 1-2^{-K}]` to different spikes. Here is the example from the origin paper: +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Phase (K=8) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +==================================+================+================+================+================+================+================+================+================+ | Spike weight :math:`\omega(t)` | 2\ :sup:`-1` | 2\ :sup:`-2` | 2\ :sup:`-3` | 2\ :sup:`-4` | 2\ :sup:`-5` | 2\ :sup:`-6` | 2\ :sup:`-7` | 2\ :sup:`-8` | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | 192/256 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | 1/256 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | 128/256 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | 255/256 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | +----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ .. admonition:: Warning :class: warning Do not forget to reset the encoder because the encoder is stateful! """ super().__init__(K, step_mode)
[文档] def single_step_encode(self, x: torch.Tensor): assert (x >= 0).all() and (x <= 1 - 2 ** (-self.T)).all() inputs = x.clone() self.spike = torch.empty((self.T,) + x.shape, device=x.device) # Encoding to [T, batch_size, *] w = 0.5 for i in range(self.T): self.spike[i] = inputs >= w inputs -= w * self.spike[i] w *= 0.5
[文档]class PopSpikeEncoderDeterministic(nn.Module): """ Learnable Population Coding Spike Encoder with Deterministic Spike Trains""" def __init__(self, obs_dim, pop_dim, spike_ts, mean_range, std): super().__init__() self.obs_dim = obs_dim self.pop_dim = pop_dim self.encoder_neuron_num = obs_dim * pop_dim self.spike_ts = spike_ts # Compute evenly distributed mean and variance tmp_mean = torch.zeros(1, obs_dim, pop_dim) delta_mean = (mean_range[1] - mean_range[0]) / (pop_dim - 1) for num in range(pop_dim): tmp_mean[0, :, num] = mean_range[0] + delta_mean * num tmp_std = torch.zeros(1, obs_dim, pop_dim) + std self.mean = nn.Parameter(tmp_mean) self.std = nn.Parameter(tmp_std) self.neurons = neuron.IFNode(v_threshold=0.999, v_reset=None, surrogate_function=surrogate.DeterministicPass(), detach_reset=True) functional.set_step_mode(self, step_mode='m') functional.set_backend(self, backend='torch')
[文档] def forward(self, obs): obs = obs.view(-1, self.obs_dim, 1) # Receptive Field of encoder population has Gaussian Shape pop_act = torch.exp(-(1. / 2.) * (obs - self.mean).pow(2) / self.std.pow(2)).view(-1, self.encoder_neuron_num) pop_act = pop_act.unsqueeze(0).repeat(self.spike_ts, 1, 1) return self.neurons(pop_act)
[文档]class PopSpikeEncoderRandom(nn.Module): """ Learnable Population Coding Spike Encoder with Random Spike Trains """ def __init__(self, obs_dim, pop_dim, spike_ts, mean_range, std): super().__init__() self.obs_dim = obs_dim self.pop_dim = pop_dim self.encoder_neuron_num = obs_dim * pop_dim self.spike_ts = spike_ts # Compute evenly distributed mean and variance tmp_mean = torch.zeros(1, obs_dim, pop_dim) delta_mean = (mean_range[1] - mean_range[0]) / (pop_dim - 1) for num in range(pop_dim): tmp_mean[0, :, num] = mean_range[0] + delta_mean * num tmp_std = torch.zeros(1, obs_dim, pop_dim) + std self.mean = nn.Parameter(tmp_mean) self.std = nn.Parameter(tmp_std) self.pseudo_spike = surrogate.poisson_pass.apply
[文档] def forward(self, obs): obs = obs.view(-1, self.obs_dim, 1) batch_size = obs.shape[0] # Receptive Field of encoder population has Gaussian Shape pop_act = torch.exp(-(1. / 2.) * (obs - self.mean).pow(2) / self.std.pow(2)).view(-1, self.encoder_neuron_num) pop_spikes = torch.zeros(self.spike_ts, batch_size, self.encoder_neuron_num, device=obs.device) # Generate Random Spike Trains for step in range(self.spike_ts): pop_spikes[step, :, :] = self.pseudo_spike(pop_act) return pop_spikes
[文档]class PopEncoder(nn.Module): """ Learnable Population Coding Encoder """ def __init__(self, obs_dim, pop_dim, spike_ts, mean_range, std): super().__init__() self.obs_dim = obs_dim self.pop_dim = pop_dim self.encoder_neuron_num = obs_dim * pop_dim self.spike_ts = spike_ts # Compute evenly distributed mean and variance tmp_mean = torch.zeros(1, obs_dim, pop_dim) delta_mean = (mean_range[1] - mean_range[0]) / (pop_dim - 1) for num in range(pop_dim): tmp_mean[0, :, num] = mean_range[0] + delta_mean * num tmp_std = torch.zeros(1, obs_dim, pop_dim) + std self.mean = nn.Parameter(tmp_mean) self.std = nn.Parameter(tmp_std)
[文档] def forward(self, obs): obs = obs.view(-1, self.obs_dim, 1) batch_size = obs.shape[0] # Receptive Field of encoder population has Gaussian Shape pop_act = torch.exp(-(1. / 2.) * (obs - self.mean).pow(2) / self.std.pow(2)).view(-1, self.encoder_neuron_num) pop_inputs = torch.zeros(self.spike_ts, batch_size, self.encoder_neuron_num, device=obs.device) # Generate Input Trains for step in range(self.spike_ts): pop_inputs[step, :, :] = pop_act return pop_inputs