spikingjelly.activation_based.neuron_kernel 源代码

import logging

    import cupy
except BaseException as e:
    logging.info(f'spikingjelly.activation_based.neuron_kernel: {e}')
    cupy = None

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from . import cuda_utils, surrogate, tensor_cache
from .. import configure
import numpy as np

[文档]class MultiStepIFNodePTT(torch.autograd.Function):
[文档] @staticmethod def create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'IFNode_fptt_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{dtype}' if dtype == 'fp32': code = rf''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const float* x_seq, float* v_v_seq, float* h_seq, float* spike_seq, const float & v_threshold, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { const int dt = neuron_num; for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel; mem_offset += neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] + x_seq[t]; if (h_seq[t] >= v_threshold) ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' { spike_seq[t] = 1.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = v_reset; } ''' else: code += r''' { spike_seq[t] = 1.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; } ''' code += r''' else { spike_seq[t] = 0.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t]; } } } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = rf''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const half2* x_seq, half2* v_v_seq, half2* h_seq, half2* spike_seq, const half & v_threshold, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; if (index < stride) { const int numel_2 = numel >> 1; const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel_2; mem_offset += stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; h_seq[t] = __hadd2(v_v_seq[t], x_seq[t]); spike_seq[t] = __hgeu2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + stride] = __hadd2(__hmul2(spike_seq[t], v_reset_half2), __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), h_seq[t])); ''' else: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + stride] = __hadd2(__hmul2(spike_seq[t], __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2)), __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), h_seq[t])); ''' code += r''' } } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def create_bptt_kernel(sg_cuda_code_fun, hard_reset: bool, detach_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'IFNode_bptt_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{"detachReset" if detach_reset else ""}_{dtype}' code_grad_s_to_h = sg_cuda_code_fun(x='over_th', y='grad_s_to_h', dtype=dtype) if dtype == 'fp32': code = fr''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const float* grad_spike_seq, const float* grad_v_seq, const float* h_seq, const float* spike_seq, float* grad_x_seq, float* grad_v_init, const float & v_threshold, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { float grad_h = 0.0f; // grad_h will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = numel - neuron_num; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const float over_th = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t]; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f; ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t] + (v_reset - h_seq[t]) * grad_s_to_h; // const float grad_v_to_h = fmaf(grad_s_to_h, v_reset - h_seq[t], 1.0f - spike_seq[t]); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - v_threshold * grad_s_to_h; // const float grad_v_to_h = fmaf(-grad_s_to_h, v_threshold, 1.0f); ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = grad_spike_seq[t] * grad_s_to_h + (grad_v_seq[t] + grad_h) * grad_v_to_h; // grad_h = fmaf(grad_spike_seq[t], grad_s_to_h, (grad_v_seq[t] + grad_h) * grad_v_to_h); grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h; } grad_v_init[index] = grad_h; } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = fr''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const half2* grad_spike_seq, const half2* grad_v_seq, const half2* h_seq, const half2* spike_seq, half2* grad_x_seq, half2* grad_v_init, const half & v_threshold, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; if (index < stride) { const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' half2 grad_h = __float2half2_rn(0.0f); // grad_h will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = (numel >> 1) - stride; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const half2 over_th = __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __float2half2_rn(1.0f); ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hfma2(__hsub2(v_reset_half2, h_seq[t]), grad_s_to_h, __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t])); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), __hmul2(v_threshold_half2, grad_s_to_h)); ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = __hfma2(__hadd2(grad_v_seq[t], grad_h), grad_v_to_h, __hmul2(grad_spike_seq[t], grad_s_to_h)); grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h; } grad_v_init[index] = grad_h; } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, v_threshold: float, v_reset: float, detach_reset: bool, sg_cuda_code_fun): requires_grad = x_seq.requires_grad or v_init.requires_grad device = x_seq.get_device() if x_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' cp_dtype = np.float32 elif x_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' cp_dtype = np.half else: raise NotImplementedError use_pad = False if dtype == 'fp16' and v_init.numel() % 2 != 0: # only fp16 needs even numel because we use half2 to accelerate # when numel is odd, we will pad x_seq use_pad = True x_seq = F.pad(x_seq, (0, 1)) # [T, N] -> [T, N + 1] v_init = F.pad(v_init, (0, 1)) # [N] -> [N + 1] zero_shape = list(x_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] *= 3 v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq = torch.split(torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=x_seq.device, dtype=x_seq.dtype), x_seq.shape[0]) v_v_seq = torch.cat((v_init.unsqueeze(0), v_seq)) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): numel = x_seq.numel() neuron_num = numel // x_seq.shape[0] threads = configure.cuda_threads if dtype == 'fp16': assert neuron_num % 2 == 0 blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num >> 1) # we will take two neurons to calculate as one neuron in cuda half2 else: blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num) cp_numel = cupy.asarray(numel) cp_neuron_num = cupy.asarray(neuron_num) cp_v_threshold = cupy.asarray(v_threshold, dtype=cp_dtype) if v_reset is None: cp_v_reset = None hard_reset = False x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] else: cp_v_reset = cupy.asarray(v_reset, dtype=cp_dtype) hard_reset = True x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] kernel = MultiStepIFNodePTT.create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset, dtype) kernel( (blocks,), (threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if requires_grad: ctx.use_pad = use_pad if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: ctx.s_shape = spike_seq.shape ctx.s_tk = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.store_bool(spike_seq) ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq) else: ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, spike_seq) ctx.blocks = blocks ctx.threads = threads ctx.cp_numel = cp_numel ctx.cp_neuron_num = cp_neuron_num ctx.cp_v_threshold = cp_v_threshold ctx.cp_v_reset = cp_v_reset ctx.detach_reset = detach_reset ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun = sg_cuda_code_fun if use_pad: return spike_seq[..., :-1], v_v_seq[1:, ..., :-1] else: return spike_seq, v_v_seq[1:, ]
[文档] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq): if ctx.use_pad: # grad_spike_seq.shape = [T, N] # grad_v_seq.shape = [T, N] # h_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] # spike_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] grad_spike_seq = F.pad(grad_spike_seq, (0, 1)) grad_v_seq = F.pad(grad_v_seq, (0, 1)) device = grad_spike_seq.get_device() if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: h_seq = ctx.saved_tensors[0] spike_seq = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.get_float(ctx.s_tk, ctx.s_shape) else: h_seq, spike_seq = ctx.saved_tensors zero_shape = list(grad_spike_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] += 1 zero_data = torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=grad_spike_seq.device, dtype=grad_spike_seq.dtype) grad_x_seq = zero_data[0: -1] grad_v_init = zero_data[-1] if ctx.cp_v_reset is None: hard_reset = False else: hard_reset = True if grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' elif grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' else: raise NotImplementedError kernel = MultiStepIFNodePTT.create_bptt_kernel(ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun, hard_reset, ctx.detach_reset, dtype) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): if hard_reset: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] else: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] kernel( (ctx.blocks,), (ctx.threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if ctx.use_pad: return grad_x_seq[..., :-1], grad_v_init[..., :-1], None, None, None, None else: return grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, None, None, None, None
[文档]class MultiStepLIFNodePTT(torch.autograd.Function):
[文档] @staticmethod def create_fptt_kernel(decay_input: bool, hard_reset: bool, dtype: str, kernel_name_prefix: str = 'LIFNode'): kernel_name = f'{kernel_name_prefix}_fptt_decayInput{decay_input}_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{dtype}' if dtype == 'fp32': code = rf''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const float* x_seq, float* v_v_seq, float* h_seq, float* spike_seq, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & v_threshold, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { const int dt = neuron_num; for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel; mem_offset += neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; ''' if hard_reset: if decay_input: code += r''' h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] + reciprocal_tau * (x_seq[t] - v_v_seq[t] + v_reset); ''' else: code += r''' h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] - reciprocal_tau * (v_v_seq[t] - v_reset) + x_seq[t]; ''' code += r''' if (h_seq[t] >= v_threshold) { spike_seq[t] = 1.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = v_reset; } ''' else: if decay_input: code += r''' h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] + reciprocal_tau * (x_seq[t] - v_v_seq[t]); ''' else: code += r''' h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] * (1.0f - reciprocal_tau) + x_seq[t]; ''' code += r''' if (h_seq[t] >= v_threshold) { spike_seq[t] = 1.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; } ''' code += r''' else { spike_seq[t] = 0.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t]; } } } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = rf''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const half2* x_seq, half2* v_v_seq, half2* h_seq, half2* spike_seq, const half & reciprocal_tau, const half & v_threshold, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; if (index < stride) { const int numel_2 = numel >> 1; const half2 reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(reciprocal_tau); const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel_2; mem_offset += stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; ''' if hard_reset: if decay_input: code += r''' h_seq[t] = __hfma2(__hadd2(__hsub2(x_seq[t], v_v_seq[t]), v_reset_half2), reciprocal_tau_half2, v_v_seq[t]); ''' else: code += r''' // h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] - reciprocal_tau * (v_v_seq[t] - v_reset) + x_seq[t]; // = reciprocal_tau * (v_reset - v_v_seq[t]) + v_v_seq[t] + x_seq[t]; h_seq[t] = __hadd2(__hfma2(__hsub2(v_reset_half2, v_v_seq[t]), reciprocal_tau_half2, v_v_seq[t]), x_seq[t]); ''' code += r''' spike_seq[t] = __hgeu2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); v_v_seq[t + stride] = __hadd2(__hmul2(spike_seq[t], v_reset_half2), __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), h_seq[t])); ''' else: if decay_input: code += r''' h_seq[t] = __hfma2(__hsub2(x_seq[t], v_v_seq[t]), reciprocal_tau_half2, v_v_seq[t]); ''' else: code += r''' // h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] * (1.0f - reciprocal_tau) + x_seq[t]; h_seq[t] = __hfma2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), reciprocal_tau_half2), v_v_seq[t], x_seq[t]); ''' code += r''' spike_seq[t] = __hgeu2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); v_v_seq[t + stride] = __hadd2(__hmul2(spike_seq[t], __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2)), __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), h_seq[t])); ''' code += r''' } } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def create_bptt_kernel(sg_cuda_code_fun, decay_input: bool, hard_reset: bool, detach_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'LIFNode_bptt_decayInput{decay_input}_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{"detachReset" if detach_reset else ""}_{dtype}' code_grad_s_to_h = sg_cuda_code_fun(x='over_th', y='grad_s_to_h', dtype=dtype) if dtype == 'fp32': code = fr''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const float* grad_spike_seq, const float* grad_v_seq, const float* h_seq, const float* spike_seq, float* grad_x_seq, float* grad_v_init, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & one_sub_reciprocal_tau, const float & v_threshold, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { float grad_h = 0.0f; // grad_h will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = numel - neuron_num; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const float over_th = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t]; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f; ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t] + (v_reset - h_seq[t]) * grad_s_to_h; // const float grad_v_to_h = fmaf(v_reset - h_seq[t], grad_s_to_h, 1.0f - spike_seq[t]); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - v_threshold * grad_s_to_h; // const float grad_v_to_h = fmaf(-grad_s_to_h, v_threshold, 1.0f); ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = grad_spike_seq[t] * grad_s_to_h + (grad_v_seq[t] + grad_h * one_sub_reciprocal_tau) * grad_v_to_h; // grad_h = fmaf(grad_spike_seq[t], grad_s_to_h, fmaf(grad_h, one_sub_reciprocal_tau, grad_v_seq[t]) * grad_v_to_h); ''' if decay_input: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h * reciprocal_tau; ''' else: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h; ''' code += r''' } grad_v_init[index] = grad_h * one_sub_reciprocal_tau; } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = fr''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const half2* grad_spike_seq, const half2* grad_v_seq, const half2* h_seq, const half2* spike_seq, half2* grad_x_seq, half2* grad_v_init, const half & reciprocal_tau, const half & one_sub_reciprocal_tau, const half & v_threshold, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; if (index < stride) { const half2 reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(reciprocal_tau); const half2 one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(one_sub_reciprocal_tau); const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' half2 grad_h = __float2half2_rn(0.0f); // grad_h will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = (numel >> 1) - stride; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const half2 over_th = __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __float2half2_rn(1.0f); ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hfma2(__hsub2(v_reset_half2, h_seq[t]), grad_s_to_h, __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t])); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), __hmul2(v_threshold_half2, grad_s_to_h)); ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = __hfma2(__hfma2(grad_h, one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2, grad_v_seq[t]), grad_v_to_h, __hmul2(grad_spike_seq[t], grad_s_to_h)); ''' if decay_input: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = __hmul2(grad_h, reciprocal_tau_half2); ''' else: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h; ''' code += r''' } grad_v_init[index] = __hmul2(grad_h, one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2); } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, decay_input: bool, tau: float, v_threshold: float, v_reset: float, detach_reset: bool, sg_cuda_code_fun): requires_grad = x_seq.requires_grad or v_init.requires_grad device = x_seq.get_device() if x_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' cp_dtype = np.float32 elif x_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' cp_dtype = np.half else: raise NotImplementedError use_pad = False if dtype == 'fp16' and v_init.numel() % 2 != 0: # only fp16 needs even numel because we use half2 to accelerate # when numel is odd, we will pad x_seq use_pad = True x_seq = F.pad(x_seq, (0, 1)) # [T, N] -> [T, N + 1] v_init = F.pad(v_init, (0, 1)) # [N] -> [N + 1] zero_shape = list(x_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] *= 3 v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq = torch.split(torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=x_seq.device, dtype=x_seq.dtype), x_seq.shape[0]) v_v_seq = torch.cat((v_init.unsqueeze(0), v_seq)) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): numel = x_seq.numel() neuron_num = numel // x_seq.shape[0] threads = configure.cuda_threads if dtype == 'fp16': assert neuron_num % 2 == 0 blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num >> 1) # we will take two neurons to calculate as one neuron in cuda half2 else: blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num) cp_numel = cupy.asarray(numel) cp_neuron_num = cupy.asarray(neuron_num) cp_v_threshold = cupy.asarray(v_threshold, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_reciprocal_tau = cupy.asarray(1. / tau, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau = cupy.asarray(1. - 1. / tau, dtype=cp_dtype) if v_reset is None: cp_v_reset = None hard_reset = False x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] else: cp_v_reset = cupy.asarray(v_reset, dtype=cp_dtype) hard_reset = True x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] kernel = MultiStepLIFNodePTT.create_fptt_kernel(decay_input, hard_reset, dtype) kernel( (blocks,), (threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if requires_grad: ctx.decay_input = decay_input ctx.use_pad = use_pad if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: ctx.s_shape = spike_seq.shape ctx.s_tk = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.store_bool(spike_seq) ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq) else: ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, spike_seq) ctx.blocks = blocks ctx.threads = threads ctx.cp_numel = cp_numel ctx.cp_neuron_num = cp_neuron_num ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau = cp_reciprocal_tau ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau = cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau ctx.cp_v_threshold = cp_v_threshold ctx.cp_v_reset = cp_v_reset ctx.detach_reset = detach_reset ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun = sg_cuda_code_fun if use_pad: return spike_seq[..., :-1], v_v_seq[1:, ..., :-1] else: return spike_seq, v_v_seq[1:, ]
[文档] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq): if ctx.use_pad: # grad_spike_seq.shape = [T, N] # grad_v_seq.shape = [T, N] # h_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] # spike_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] grad_spike_seq = F.pad(grad_spike_seq, (0, 1)) grad_v_seq = F.pad(grad_v_seq, (0, 1)) device = grad_spike_seq.get_device() if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: h_seq = ctx.saved_tensors[0] spike_seq = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.get_float(ctx.s_tk, ctx.s_shape) else: h_seq, spike_seq = ctx.saved_tensors zero_shape = list(grad_spike_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] += 1 zero_data = torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=grad_spike_seq.device, dtype=grad_spike_seq.dtype) grad_x_seq = zero_data[0: -1] grad_v_init = zero_data[-1] if ctx.cp_v_reset is None: hard_reset = False else: hard_reset = True if grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' elif grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' else: raise NotImplementedError kernel = MultiStepLIFNodePTT.create_bptt_kernel(ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun, ctx.decay_input, hard_reset, ctx.detach_reset, dtype) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): if hard_reset: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] else: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] kernel( (ctx.blocks,), (ctx.threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if ctx.use_pad: return grad_x_seq[..., :-1], grad_v_init[..., :-1], None, None, None, None, None, None else: return grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, None, None, None, None, None, None
[文档]class MultiStepParametricLIFNodePTT(torch.autograd.Function):
[文档] @staticmethod def create_fptt_kernel(decay_input: bool, hard_reset: bool, dtype: str): return MultiStepLIFNodePTT.create_fptt_kernel(decay_input, hard_reset, dtype, kernel_name_prefix='ParametricLIFNode')
[文档] @staticmethod def create_bptt_kernel(sg_cuda_code_fun, decay_input: bool, hard_reset: bool, detach_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'ParametricLIFNode_bptt_decayInput{decay_input}_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{"detachReset" if detach_reset else ""}_{dtype}' code_grad_s_to_h = sg_cuda_code_fun(x='over_th', y='grad_s_to_h', dtype=dtype) if dtype == 'fp32': code = fr''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const float* grad_spike_seq, const float* grad_v_seq, const float* h_seq, const float* spike_seq, const float* v_v_seq, float* grad_x_seq, float* grad_v_init, float* grad_reciprocal_tau, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & one_sub_reciprocal_tau, const float & v_threshold, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; ''' code += f'__shared__ float sdata[{configure.cuda_threads}];' code += r''' if (index < neuron_num) { float grad_h = 0.0f; // grad_h will be used recursively sdata[threadIdx.x] = 0.0f; for(int mem_offset = numel - neuron_num; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const float over_th = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t]; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f; ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t] + (v_reset - h_seq[t]) * grad_s_to_h; // const float grad_v_to_h = fmaf(v_reset - h_seq[t], grad_s_to_h, 1.0f - spike_seq[t]); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - v_threshold * grad_s_to_h; // const float grad_v_to_h = fmaf(-v_threshold, grad_s_to_h, 1.0f); ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = grad_spike_seq[t] * grad_s_to_h + (grad_v_seq[t] + grad_h * one_sub_reciprocal_tau) * grad_v_to_h; // grad_h = fmaf(grad_spike_seq[t], grad_s_to_h, fmaf(grad_h, one_sub_reciprocal_tau, grad_v_seq[t]) * grad_v_to_h); ''' if decay_input: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h * reciprocal_tau; sdata[threadIdx.x] += grad_h * (h_seq[t] - v_v_seq[t]) / reciprocal_tau; ''' else: if hard_reset: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h; sdata[threadIdx.x] += grad_h * (v_reset - v_v_seq[t]); ''' else: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h; sdata[threadIdx.x] -= grad_h * v_v_seq[t]; ''' code += r''' } grad_v_init[index] = grad_h * one_sub_reciprocal_tau; } else { sdata[threadIdx.x] = 0.0f; } int threadx = blockDim.x; #pragma unroll for (int stride = threadx >> 1; stride > 0; stride = stride >> 1) { // Synchronize all thread before next loop __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x < stride) { sdata[threadIdx.x] += sdata[threadIdx.x + stride]; } } __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { atomicAdd(grad_reciprocal_tau, sdata[0]); } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = fr''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const half2* grad_spike_seq, const half2* grad_v_seq, const half2* h_seq, const half2* spike_seq, const half2* v_v_seq, half2* grad_x_seq, half2* grad_v_init, float* grad_reciprocal_tau, const half & reciprocal_tau, const half & one_sub_reciprocal_tau, const half & v_threshold, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel)\ // note that grad_reciprocal_tau is float to avoid overflow ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; ''' code += f'__shared__ float sdata[{configure.cuda_threads}];' code += r''' if (index < stride) { const half2 reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(reciprocal_tau); const half2 one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(one_sub_reciprocal_tau); const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' half2 grad_h = __float2half2_rn(0.0f); // grad_h will be used recursively sdata[threadIdx.x] = 0.0f; for(int mem_offset = (numel >> 1) - stride; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const half2 over_th = __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __float2half2_rn(1.0f); ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hfma2(__hsub2(v_reset_half2, h_seq[t]), grad_s_to_h, __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t])); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), __hmul2(v_threshold_half2, grad_s_to_h)); ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = __hfma2(__hfma2(grad_h, one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2, grad_v_seq[t]), grad_v_to_h, __hmul2(grad_spike_seq[t], grad_s_to_h)); ''' if decay_input: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = __hmul2(grad_h, reciprocal_tau_half2); half2 temp_sum = __h2div(__hmul2(grad_h, __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_v_seq[t])), reciprocal_tau_half2); sdata[threadIdx.x] += __half2float(__hadd(__low2half(temp_sum), __high2half(temp_sum))); ''' else: if hard_reset: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h; half2 temp_sum = __hmul2(grad_h, __hsub2(v_reset_half2, v_v_seq[t])); sdata[threadIdx.x] += __half2float(__hadd(__low2half(temp_sum), __high2half(temp_sum))); ''' else: code += r''' grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h; half2 temp_sum = __hmul2(grad_h, __hneg2(v_v_seq[t])); sdata[threadIdx.x] += __half2float(__hadd(__low2half(temp_sum), __high2half(temp_sum))); ''' code += r''' } grad_v_init[index] = __hmul2(grad_h, one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2); } else { sdata[threadIdx.x] = 0.0f; } int threadx = blockDim.x; #pragma unroll for (int i = threadx >> 1; i > 0; i = i >> 1) { // Synchronize all thread before next loop __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x < i) { sdata[threadIdx.x] += sdata[threadIdx.x + i]; } } __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { /* The 32-bit floating-point version of atomicAdd() is only supported by devices of compute capability 2.x and higher. The 64-bit floating-point version of atomicAdd() is only supported by devices of compute capability 6.x and higher. The 32-bit __half2 floating-point version of atomicAdd() is only supported by devices of compute capability 6.x and higher. The atomicity of the __half2 or __nv_bfloat162 add operation is guaranteed separately for each of the two __half or __nv_bfloat16 elements; the entire __half2 or __nv_bfloat162 is not guaranteed to be atomic as a single 32-bit access. The 16-bit __half floating-point version of atomicAdd() is only supported by devices of compute capability 7.x and higher. The 16-bit __nv_bfloat16 floating-point version of atomicAdd() is only supported by devices of compute capability 8.x and higher. */ atomicAdd(grad_reciprocal_tau, sdata[0]); } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, reciprocal_tau: torch.Tensor, decay_input: bool, v_threshold: float, v_reset: float, detach_reset: bool, sg_cuda_code_fun): # reciprocal_tau.dtype is float32 even when using amp requires_grad = x_seq.requires_grad or v_init.requires_grad device = x_seq.get_device() if x_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' cp_dtype = np.float32 elif x_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' cp_dtype = np.half # assert torch.cuda.get_device_capability(device)[0] >= 7, "MultiStepParametricLIFNodePTT can not run in the current device with float16 because the 16-bit __half floating-point version of atomicAdd() is only supported by devices of compute capability 7.x and higher." else: raise NotImplementedError use_pad = False if dtype == 'fp16' and v_init.numel() % 2 != 0: # only fp16 needs even numel because we use half2 to accelerate # when numel is odd, we will pad x_seq use_pad = True x_seq = F.pad(x_seq, (0, 1)) # [T, N] -> [T, N + 1] v_init = F.pad(v_init, (0, 1)) # [N] -> [N + 1] zero_shape = list(x_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] *= 3 v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq = torch.split(torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=x_seq.device, dtype=x_seq.dtype), x_seq.shape[0]) v_v_seq = torch.cat((v_init.unsqueeze(0), v_seq)) tau = 1. / reciprocal_tau.item() with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): numel = x_seq.numel() neuron_num = numel // x_seq.shape[0] threads = configure.cuda_threads if dtype == 'fp16': assert neuron_num % 2 == 0 blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num >> 1) # we will take two neurons to calculate as one neuron in cuda half2 else: blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num) cp_numel = cupy.asarray(numel) cp_neuron_num = cupy.asarray(neuron_num) cp_v_threshold = cupy.asarray(v_threshold, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_reciprocal_tau = cupy.asarray(1. / tau, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau = cupy.asarray(1. - 1. / tau, dtype=cp_dtype) if v_reset is None: cp_v_reset = None hard_reset = False x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] else: cp_v_reset = cupy.asarray(v_reset, dtype=cp_dtype) hard_reset = True x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] kernel = MultiStepParametricLIFNodePTT.create_fptt_kernel(decay_input, hard_reset, dtype) kernel( (blocks,), (threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if requires_grad: ctx.decay_input = decay_input ctx.use_pad = use_pad if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: ctx.s_shape = spike_seq.shape ctx.s_tk = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.store_bool(spike_seq) ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, v_v_seq) else: ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq) ctx.blocks = blocks ctx.threads = threads ctx.cp_numel = cp_numel ctx.cp_neuron_num = cp_neuron_num ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau = cp_reciprocal_tau ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau = cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau ctx.cp_v_threshold = cp_v_threshold ctx.cp_v_reset = cp_v_reset ctx.detach_reset = detach_reset ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun = sg_cuda_code_fun if use_pad: return spike_seq[..., :-1], v_v_seq[1:, ..., :-1] else: return spike_seq, v_v_seq[1:, ]
[文档] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq): if ctx.use_pad: # grad_spike_seq.shape = [T, N] # grad_v_seq.shape = [T, N] # h_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] # spike_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] grad_spike_seq = F.pad(grad_spike_seq, (0, 1)) grad_v_seq = F.pad(grad_v_seq, (0, 1)) device = grad_spike_seq.get_device() if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: spike_seq = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.get_float(ctx.s_tk, ctx.s_shape) h_seq, v_v_seq = ctx.saved_tensors else: h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq = ctx.saved_tensors zero_shape = list(grad_spike_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] += 1 zero_data = torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=grad_spike_seq.device, dtype=grad_spike_seq.dtype) grad_x_seq = zero_data[0: -1] grad_v_init = zero_data[-1] grad_reciprocal_tau = torch.as_tensor(0., device=grad_spike_seq.device, dtype=torch.float32) if ctx.cp_v_reset is None: hard_reset = False else: hard_reset = True if grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' elif grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' else: raise NotImplementedError kernel = MultiStepParametricLIFNodePTT.create_bptt_kernel(ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun, ctx.decay_input, hard_reset, ctx.detach_reset, dtype) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): if hard_reset: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] else: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous( grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] kernel( (ctx.blocks,), (ctx.threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if ctx.use_pad: return grad_x_seq[..., :-1], grad_v_init[..., :-1], grad_reciprocal_tau, None, None, None, None, None else: return grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_reciprocal_tau, None, None, None, None, None
[文档]def check_multi_step_neuron_output_and_grad(device, multi_step_neuron, shape = [65, 15, 511], *neu_args, **neu_kwargs): @torch.no_grad() def max_error(x, y): return (x - y).abs().max().item() def fbptt(m, x: torch.Tensor): x = x.detach() x.requires_grad_(True) spike_seq = m(x) (spike_seq * m.v_seq ** 2).sum().backward() ret = { 'spike_seq': spike_seq.detach().clone(), 'v_seq': m.v_seq.detach().clone(), 'x.grad': x.grad.clone() } for i, param in enumerate(m.parameters()): ret[f'param_{i}.grad'] = param.grad.detach().clone() param.grad.zero_() x.grad.zero_() m.reset() return ret for hard_reset in [True, False]: for detach_reset in [False, True]: for dtype in ['fp32', 'fp16']: x = (torch.rand(shape, device=device) - 0.5) * 3. if dtype == 'fp16': x = x.half() print(f'hard_reset={hard_reset}, detach_reset={detach_reset}, dtype={dtype}') model = multi_step_neuron(v_reset=0. if hard_reset else None, detach_reset=detach_reset, *neu_args, **neu_kwargs) # print(model) model.to(device) if dtype == 'fp16': model = model.half() model.backend = 'torch' y_torch = fbptt(model, x) model.backend = 'cupy' y_cupy = fbptt(model, x) for key in y_torch.keys(): me = max_error(y_torch[key], y_cupy[key]) print(key, 'max error', me) if me > 0.5: print(f'y_torch[{key}]={y_torch[key]}, y_cupy[{key}]={y_cupy[key]}') print('\n')
[文档]class MultiStepQIFNodePTT(torch.autograd.Function):
[文档] @staticmethod def create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'QIFNode_fptt_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{dtype}' if dtype == 'fp32': code = rf''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const float* x_seq, float* v_v_seq, float* h_seq, float* spike_seq, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & v_c, const float & a0, const float & v_threshold, const float & v_rest, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { const int dt = neuron_num; for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel; mem_offset += neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] + reciprocal_tau * (x_seq[t] + a0 * (v_v_seq[t] - v_rest) * (v_v_seq[t] - v_c)); if (h_seq[t] >= v_threshold) { spike_seq[t] = 1.0f; ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + dt] = v_reset; ''' else: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += r''' } else { spike_seq[t] = 0.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t]; } } } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = rf''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const half2* x_seq, half2* v_v_seq, half2* h_seq, half2* spike_seq, const half & reciprocal_tau, const half & v_c, const half & a0, const half & v_threshold, const half & v_rest, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; if (index < stride) { const int numel_2 = numel >> 1; const half2 reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(reciprocal_tau); const half2 v_c_half2 = __half2half2(v_c); const half2 a0_half2 = __half2half2(a0); const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); const half2 v_rest_half2 = __half2half2(v_rest); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel_2; mem_offset += stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; h_seq[t] = __hfma2(__hfma2(__hmul2(__hsub2(v_v_seq[t], v_rest_half2), __hsub2(v_v_seq[t], v_c_half2)), a0_half2, x_seq[t]), reciprocal_tau_half2, v_v_seq[t]); spike_seq[t] = __hgeu2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + stride] = __hadd2(__hmul2(spike_seq[t], v_reset_half2), __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), h_seq[t])); ''' else: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + stride] = __hadd2(__hmul2(spike_seq[t], __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2)), __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), h_seq[t])); ''' code += r''' } } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def create_bptt_kernel(sg_cuda_code_fun, hard_reset: bool, detach_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'QIFNode_bptt_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{"detachReset" if detach_reset else ""}_{dtype}' code_grad_s_to_h = sg_cuda_code_fun(x='over_th', y='grad_s_to_h', dtype=dtype) if dtype == 'fp32': code = fr''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const float* grad_spike_seq, const float* grad_v_seq, const float* h_seq, const float* spike_seq, const float* v_v_seq, float* grad_x_seq, float* grad_v_init, const float & a0_over_tau, const float & neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & v_threshold, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { float grad_h = 0.0f; // grad_h will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = numel - neuron_num; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const float over_th = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t]; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f; ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t] + (v_reset - h_seq[t]) * grad_s_to_h; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - v_threshold * grad_s_to_h; ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = grad_spike_seq[t] * grad_s_to_h + (grad_v_seq[t] + grad_h * (1.0f + a0_over_tau * (2.0f * v_v_seq[t + neuron_num] + neg_sum_v_rest_v_c))) * grad_v_to_h; grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h * reciprocal_tau; } grad_v_init[index] = grad_x_seq[index] * (1.0f + a0_over_tau * (2.0f * v_v_seq[index] + neg_sum_v_rest_v_c)); } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = fr''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const half2* grad_spike_seq, const half2* grad_v_seq, const half2* h_seq, const half2* spike_seq, const half2* v_v_seq, half2* grad_x_seq, half2* grad_v_init, const half & a0_over_tau, const half & neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, const half & reciprocal_tau, const half & v_threshold, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; if (index < stride) { const half2 a0_over_tau_half2 = __half2half2(a0_over_tau); const half2 neg_sum_v_rest_v_c_half2 = __half2half2(neg_sum_v_rest_v_c); const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); const half2 reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(reciprocal_tau); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' half2 grad_h = __float2half2_rn(0.0f); // grad_h will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = (numel >> 1) - stride; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const half2 over_th = __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __float2half2_rn(1.0f); ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hfma2(__hsub2(v_reset_half2, h_seq[t]), grad_s_to_h, __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t])); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), __hmul2(v_threshold_half2, grad_s_to_h)); ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = __hfma2(__hfma2(__hfma2(__hfma2(__float2half2_rn(2.0f), v_v_seq[t + stride], neg_sum_v_rest_v_c_half2), a0_over_tau_half2, __float2half2_rn(1.0f)), grad_h, grad_v_seq[t]), grad_v_to_h, __hmul2(grad_spike_seq[t], grad_s_to_h)); grad_x_seq[t] = __hmul2(grad_h, reciprocal_tau_half2); } grad_v_init[index] = __hmul2(__hfma2(__hfma2(__float2half2_rn(2.0f), v_v_seq[index], neg_sum_v_rest_v_c_half2), a0_over_tau_half2, __float2half2_rn(1.0f)), grad_x_seq[index]); } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, tau: float, v_threshold: float, v_reset: float, v_rest: float, v_c: float, a0: float, detach_reset: bool, sg_cuda_code_fun): requires_grad = x_seq.requires_grad or v_init.requires_grad device = x_seq.get_device() if x_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' cp_dtype = np.float32 elif x_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' cp_dtype = np.half else: raise NotImplementedError use_pad = False if dtype == 'fp16' and v_init.numel() % 2 != 0: # only fp16 needs even numel because we use half2 to accelerate # when numel is odd, we will pad x_seq use_pad = True x_seq = F.pad(x_seq, (0, 1)) # [T, N] -> [T, N + 1] v_init = F.pad(v_init, (0, 1)) # [N] -> [N + 1] zero_shape = list(x_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] *= 3 v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq = torch.split(torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=x_seq.device, dtype=x_seq.dtype), x_seq.shape[0]) v_v_seq = torch.cat((v_init.unsqueeze(0), v_seq)) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): numel = x_seq.numel() neuron_num = numel // x_seq.shape[0] threads = configure.cuda_threads if dtype == 'fp16': assert neuron_num % 2 == 0 blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num >> 1) # we will take two neurons to calculate as one neuron in cuda half2 else: blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num) cp_numel = cupy.asarray(numel) cp_neuron_num = cupy.asarray(neuron_num) cp_v_threshold = cupy.asarray(v_threshold, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_v_rest = cupy.asarray(v_rest, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_v_c = cupy.asarray(v_c, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_a0 = cupy.asarray(a0, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_reciprocal_tau = cupy.asarray(1.0 / tau, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_a0_over_tau = cupy.asarray(a0 / tau, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c = cupy.asarray(-v_rest - v_c, dtype=cp_dtype) if v_reset is None: cp_v_reset = None hard_reset = False x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_c, cp_a0, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_c, cp_a0, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_c, cp_a0, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] else: cp_v_reset = cupy.asarray(v_reset, dtype=cp_dtype) hard_reset = True x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_c, cp_a0, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_c, cp_a0, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_v_c, cp_a0, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] kernel = MultiStepQIFNodePTT.create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset, dtype) kernel( (blocks,), (threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if requires_grad: ctx.use_pad = use_pad if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: ctx.s_shape = spike_seq.shape ctx.s_tk = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.store_bool(spike_seq) ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, v_v_seq) else: ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq) ctx.blocks = blocks ctx.threads = threads ctx.cp_numel = cp_numel ctx.cp_neuron_num = cp_neuron_num ctx.cp_a0_over_tau = cp_a0_over_tau ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c = cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau = cp_reciprocal_tau ctx.cp_v_threshold = cp_v_threshold ctx.cp_v_reset = cp_v_reset ctx.detach_reset = detach_reset ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun = sg_cuda_code_fun if use_pad: return spike_seq[..., :-1], v_v_seq[1:, ..., :-1] else: return spike_seq, v_v_seq[1:, ]
[文档] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq): if ctx.use_pad: # grad_spike_seq.shape = [T, N] # grad_v_seq.shape = [T, N] # h_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] # spike_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] grad_spike_seq = F.pad(grad_spike_seq, (0, 1)) grad_v_seq = F.pad(grad_v_seq, (0, 1)) device = grad_spike_seq.get_device() if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: spike_seq = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.get_float(ctx.s_tk, ctx.s_shape) h_seq, v_v_seq = ctx.saved_tensors else: h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq = ctx.saved_tensors zero_shape = list(grad_spike_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] += 1 zero_data = torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=grad_spike_seq.device, dtype=grad_spike_seq.dtype) grad_x_seq = zero_data[0: -1] grad_v_init = zero_data[-1] if ctx.cp_v_reset is None: hard_reset = False else: hard_reset = True if grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' elif grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' else: raise NotImplementedError kernel = MultiStepQIFNodePTT.create_bptt_kernel(ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun, hard_reset, ctx.detach_reset, dtype) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): if hard_reset: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] else: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] kernel( (ctx.blocks,), (ctx.threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if ctx.use_pad: return grad_x_seq[..., :-1], grad_v_init[..., :-1], None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None else: return grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
[文档]class MultiStepIzhikevichNodePTT(torch.autograd.Function):
[文档] @staticmethod def create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'IzhikevichNode_fptt_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{dtype}' if dtype == 'fp32': code = rf''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const float* x_seq, float* v_v_seq, float* h_seq, float* w_w_seq, float* spike_seq, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & a0, const float & v_c, const float & v_threshold, const float & v_rest, const float & reciprocal_tau_w, const float & a, const float & b, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { const int dt = neuron_num; for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel; mem_offset += neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] + reciprocal_tau * (x_seq[t] + a0 * (v_v_seq[t] - v_rest) * (v_v_seq[t] - v_c) - w_w_seq[t]); const float z = w_w_seq[t] + reciprocal_tau_w * (a * (h_seq[t] - v_rest) - w_w_seq[t]); if (h_seq[t] >= v_threshold) { spike_seq[t] = 1.0f; ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + dt] = v_reset; ''' else: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += r''' } else { spike_seq[t] = 0.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t]; } w_w_seq[t + dt] = z + b * spike_seq[t]; } } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def create_bptt_kernel(sg_cuda_code_fun, hard_reset: bool, detach_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'IzhikevichNode_bptt_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{"detachReset" if detach_reset else ""}_{dtype}' code_grad_s_to_h = sg_cuda_code_fun(x='over_th', y='grad_s_to_h', dtype=dtype) if dtype == 'fp32': code = fr''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const float* grad_spike_seq, const float* grad_v_seq, const float* grad_w_seq, const float* h_seq, const float* spike_seq, const float* v_v_seq, float* grad_x_seq, float* grad_v_init, float* grad_w_init, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w, const float & a_over_tau_w, const float & a0_over_tau, const float & b, const float & neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, const float & v_threshold, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { float grad_h = 0.0f; // grad_h will be used recursively float grad_w = 0.0f; // grad_w will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = numel - neuron_num; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const float over_th = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t]; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f; ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t] + (v_reset - h_seq[t]) * grad_s_to_h; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - v_threshold * grad_s_to_h; ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_w = -reciprocal_tau * grad_h + one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w * grad_w; grad_h = grad_w * (a_over_tau_w + b * grad_s_to_h) + ((1 + a0_over_tau * (2.0f * v_v_seq[t + neuron_num] + neg_sum_v_rest_v_c)) * grad_h + grad_v_seq[t]) * grad_v_to_h + grad_spike_seq[t] * grad_s_to_h; grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h * reciprocal_tau; } grad_v_init[index] = grad_x_seq[index] * (1.0f + a0_over_tau * (2.0f * v_v_seq[index] + neg_sum_v_rest_v_c)); grad_w_init[index] = -reciprocal_tau * grad_h + one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w * grad_w; } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, w_init: torch.Tensor, tau: float, v_threshold: float, v_reset: float, v_rest: float, a: float, b: float, tau_w: float, v_c: float, a0: float, detach_reset: bool, sg_cuda_code_fun): requires_grad = x_seq.requires_grad or v_init.requires_grad device = x_seq.get_device() if x_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' cp_dtype = np.float32 else: raise NotImplementedError zero_shape = list(x_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] *= 4 v_seq, h_seq, w_seq, spike_seq = torch.split(torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=x_seq.device, dtype=x_seq.dtype), x_seq.shape[0]) v_v_seq = torch.cat((v_init.unsqueeze(0), v_seq)) w_w_seq = torch.cat((w_init.unsqueeze(0), w_seq)) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): numel = x_seq.numel() neuron_num = numel // x_seq.shape[0] threads = configure.cuda_threads blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num) cp_numel = cupy.asarray(numel) cp_neuron_num = cupy.asarray(neuron_num) cp_v_threshold = cupy.asarray(v_threshold, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_v_rest = cupy.asarray(v_rest, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_v_c = cupy.asarray(v_c, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_a0 = cupy.asarray(a0, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_a = cupy.asarray(a, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_b = cupy.asarray(b, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_reciprocal_tau = cupy.asarray(1. / tau, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_reciprocal_tau_w = cupy.asarray(1./ tau_w, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_a0_over_tau = cupy.asarray(a0 / tau, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_a_over_tau_w = cupy.asarray(a / tau_w, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w = cupy.asarray(1. - 1./tau_w, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c = cupy.asarray(-v_rest - v_c, dtype=cp_dtype) if v_reset is None: cp_v_reset = None hard_reset = False x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, w_w_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_a0, cp_v_c, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_reciprocal_tau_w, cp_a, cp_b, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, w_w_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_a0, cp_v_c, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_reciprocal_tau_w, cp_a, cp_b, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, w_w_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_a0, cp_v_c, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_reciprocal_tau_w, cp_a, cp_b, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] else: cp_v_reset = cupy.asarray(v_reset, dtype=cp_dtype) hard_reset = True x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, w_w_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_a0, cp_v_c, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_reciprocal_tau_w, cp_a, cp_b, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, w_w_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_a0, cp_v_c, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_reciprocal_tau_w, cp_a, cp_b, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, w_w_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_a0, cp_v_c, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_reciprocal_tau_w, cp_a, cp_b, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] kernel = MultiStepIzhikevichNodePTT.create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset, dtype) kernel( (blocks,), (threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if requires_grad: if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: ctx.s_shape = spike_seq.shape ctx.s_tk = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.store_bool(spike_seq) ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, v_v_seq) else: ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq) ctx.blocks = blocks ctx.threads = threads ctx.cp_numel = cp_numel ctx.cp_neuron_num = cp_neuron_num ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau = cp_reciprocal_tau ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w = cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w ctx.cp_a_over_tau_w = cp_a_over_tau_w ctx.cp_a0_over_tau = cp_a0_over_tau ctx.cp_b = cp_b ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c = cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c ctx.cp_v_threshold = cp_v_threshold ctx.cp_v_reset = cp_v_reset ctx.detach_reset = detach_reset ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun = sg_cuda_code_fun return spike_seq, v_v_seq[1:, ], w_w_seq[1:, ]
[文档] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, grad_w_seq): device = grad_spike_seq.get_device() if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: spike_seq = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.get_float(ctx.s_tk, ctx.s_shape) h_seq, v_v_seq = ctx.saved_tensors else: h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq = ctx.saved_tensors zero_shape = list(grad_spike_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] += 2 zero_data = torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=grad_spike_seq.device, dtype=grad_spike_seq.dtype) grad_x_seq = zero_data[0: -2] grad_v_init = zero_data[-2] grad_w_init = zero_data[-1] if ctx.cp_v_reset is None: hard_reset = False else: hard_reset = True if grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' else: raise NotImplementedError kernel = MultiStepIzhikevichNodePTT.create_bptt_kernel(ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun, hard_reset, ctx.detach_reset, dtype) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): if hard_reset: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, grad_w_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_w_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w, ctx.cp_a_over_tau_w, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_b, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, grad_w_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_w_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w, ctx.cp_a_over_tau_w, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_b, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, grad_w_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_w_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w, ctx.cp_a_over_tau_w, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_b, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] else: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, grad_w_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_w_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w, ctx.cp_a_over_tau_w, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_b, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, grad_w_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_w_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w, ctx.cp_a_over_tau_w, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_b, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, grad_w_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_w_init, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau_w, ctx.cp_a_over_tau_w, ctx.cp_a0_over_tau, ctx.cp_b, ctx.cp_neg_sum_v_rest_v_c, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] kernel( (ctx.blocks,), (ctx.threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) return grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, grad_w_init, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
[文档]class MultiStepEIFNodePTT(torch.autograd.Function):
[文档] @staticmethod def create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'EIFNode_fptt_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{dtype}' if dtype == 'fp32': code = rf''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const float* x_seq, float* v_v_seq, float* h_seq, float* spike_seq, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & delta_T, const float & theta_rh, const float & v_threshold, const float & v_rest, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { const int dt = neuron_num; for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel; mem_offset += neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; h_seq[t] = v_v_seq[t] + reciprocal_tau * (x_seq[t] - v_v_seq[t] + v_rest + delta_T * expf((v_v_seq[t] - theta_rh) / delta_T)); if (h_seq[t] >= v_threshold) { spike_seq[t] = 1.0f; ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + dt] = v_reset; ''' else: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += r''' } else { spike_seq[t] = 0.0f; v_v_seq[t + dt] = h_seq[t]; } } } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = rf''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}(const half2* x_seq, half2* v_v_seq, half2* h_seq, half2* spike_seq, const half & reciprocal_tau, const half & delta_T, const half & theta_rh, const half & v_threshold, const half & v_rest, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; if (index < stride) { const int numel_2 = numel >> 1; const half2 reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(reciprocal_tau); const half2 delta_T_half2 = __half2half2(delta_T); const half2 theta_rh_half2 = __half2half2(theta_rh); const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); const half2 v_rest_half2 = __half2half2(v_rest); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' for(int mem_offset = 0; mem_offset < numel_2; mem_offset += stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; h_seq[t] = __hfma2(__hfma2(h2exp(__h2div(__hsub2(v_v_seq[t], theta_rh_half2), delta_T_half2)), delta_T_half2, __hadd2(__hsub2(x_seq[t], v_v_seq[t]), v_rest_half2)), reciprocal_tau_half2, v_v_seq[t]); spike_seq[t] = __hgeu2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + stride] = __hadd2(__hmul2(spike_seq[t], v_reset_half2), __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), h_seq[t])); ''' else: code += r''' v_v_seq[t + stride] = __hadd2(__hmul2(spike_seq[t], __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2)), __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]), h_seq[t])); ''' code += r''' } } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def create_bptt_kernel(sg_cuda_code_fun, hard_reset: bool, detach_reset: bool, dtype: str): kernel_name = f'EIFNode_bptt_{"hard" if hard_reset else "soft"}Reset_{"detachReset" if detach_reset else ""}_{dtype}' code_grad_s_to_h = sg_cuda_code_fun(x='over_th', y='grad_s_to_h', dtype=dtype) if dtype == 'fp32': code = fr''' extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const float* grad_spike_seq, const float* grad_v_seq, const float* h_seq, const float* spike_seq, const float* v_v_seq, float* grad_x_seq, float* grad_v_init, const float & theta_rh, const float & reciprocal_delta_T, const float & reciprocal_tau, const float & one_sub_reciprocal_tau, const float & v_threshold, {'const float & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < neuron_num) { float grad_h = 0.0f; // grad_h will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = numel - neuron_num; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= neuron_num) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const float over_th = h_seq[t] - v_threshold; ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t]; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f; ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - spike_seq[t] + (v_reset - h_seq[t]) * grad_s_to_h; ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const float grad_v_to_h = 1.0f - v_threshold * grad_s_to_h; ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = grad_spike_seq[t] * grad_s_to_h + (grad_v_seq[t] + grad_h * (one_sub_reciprocal_tau + reciprocal_tau * expf((v_v_seq[t + neuron_num] - theta_rh) * reciprocal_delta_T))) * grad_v_to_h; grad_x_seq[t] = grad_h * reciprocal_tau; } grad_v_init[index] = grad_x_seq[index] * (one_sub_reciprocal_tau + reciprocal_tau * expf((v_v_seq[index] - theta_rh) * reciprocal_delta_T)); } } ''' elif dtype == 'fp16': code = fr''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void {kernel_name}( const half2* grad_spike_seq, const half2* grad_v_seq, const half2* h_seq, const half2* spike_seq, const half2* v_v_seq, half2* grad_x_seq, half2* grad_v_init, const half & theta_rh, const half & reciprocal_delta_T, const half & reciprocal_tau, const half & one_sub_reciprocal_tau, const half & v_threshold, {'const half & v_reset,' if hard_reset else ''} const int & neuron_num, const int & numel) ''' code += r''' { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int stride = neuron_num >> 1; if (index < stride) { const half2 reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(reciprocal_tau); const half2 one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2 = __half2half2(one_sub_reciprocal_tau); const half2 reciprocal_delta_T_half2 = __half2half2(reciprocal_delta_T); const half2 theta_rh_half2 = __half2half2(theta_rh); const half2 v_threshold_half2 = __half2half2(v_threshold); ''' if hard_reset: code += r''' const half2 v_reset_half2 = __half2half2(v_reset); ''' code += r''' half2 grad_h = __float2half2_rn(0.0f); // grad_h will be used recursively for(int mem_offset = (numel >> 1) - stride; mem_offset >= 0; mem_offset -= stride) { const int t = index + mem_offset; const half2 over_th = __hsub2(h_seq[t], v_threshold_half2); ''' code += code_grad_s_to_h if detach_reset: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t]); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __float2half2_rn(1.0f); ''' else: if hard_reset: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hfma2(__hsub2(v_reset_half2, h_seq[t]), grad_s_to_h, __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), spike_seq[t])); ''' else: code_grad_v_to_h = r''' const half2 grad_v_to_h = __hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), __hmul2(v_threshold_half2, grad_s_to_h)); ''' code += code_grad_v_to_h code += r''' grad_h = __hfma2(__hfma2(__hfma2(h2exp(__hmul2(__hsub2(v_v_seq[t + stride], theta_rh_half2), reciprocal_delta_T_half2)), reciprocal_tau_half2, one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2), grad_h, grad_v_seq[t]), grad_v_to_h, __hmul2(grad_spike_seq[t], grad_s_to_h)); grad_x_seq[t] = __hmul2(grad_h, reciprocal_tau_half2); } grad_v_init[index] = __hmul2(__hfma2(h2exp(__hmul2(__hsub2(v_v_seq[index], theta_rh_half2), reciprocal_delta_T_half2)), reciprocal_tau_half2, one_sub_reciprocal_tau_half2), grad_x_seq[index]); } } ''' else: raise TypeError return cupy.RawKernel(code, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend)
[文档] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x_seq: torch.Tensor, v_init: torch.Tensor, tau: float, v_threshold: float, v_reset: float, v_rest: float, theta_rh: float, delta_T: float, detach_reset: bool, sg_cuda_code_fun): requires_grad = x_seq.requires_grad or v_init.requires_grad device = x_seq.get_device() if x_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' cp_dtype = np.float32 elif x_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' cp_dtype = np.half else: raise NotImplementedError use_pad = False if dtype == 'fp16' and v_init.numel() % 2 != 0: # only fp16 needs even numel because we use half2 to accelerate # when numel is odd, we will pad x_seq use_pad = True x_seq = F.pad(x_seq, (0, 1)) # [T, N] -> [T, N + 1] v_init = F.pad(v_init, (0, 1)) # [N] -> [N + 1] zero_shape = list(x_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] *= 3 v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq = torch.split(torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=x_seq.device, dtype=x_seq.dtype), x_seq.shape[0]) v_v_seq = torch.cat((v_init.unsqueeze(0), v_seq)) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): numel = x_seq.numel() neuron_num = numel // x_seq.shape[0] threads = configure.cuda_threads if dtype == 'fp16': assert neuron_num % 2 == 0 blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num >> 1) # we will take two neurons to calculate as one neuron in cuda half2 else: blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(neuron_num) cp_numel = cupy.asarray(numel) cp_neuron_num = cupy.asarray(neuron_num) cp_v_threshold = cupy.asarray(v_threshold, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_v_rest = cupy.asarray(v_rest, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_theta_rh = cupy.asarray(theta_rh, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_delta_T = cupy.asarray(delta_T, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_reciprocal_delta_T = cupy.asarray(1. / delta_T, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_reciprocal_tau = cupy.asarray(1./tau, dtype=cp_dtype) cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau = cupy.asarray(1. - 1./tau, dtype=cp_dtype) if v_reset is None: cp_v_reset = None hard_reset = False x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_delta_T, cp_theta_rh, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_delta_T, cp_theta_rh, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_delta_T, cp_theta_rh, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] else: cp_v_reset = cupy.asarray(v_reset, dtype=cp_dtype) hard_reset = True x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_delta_T, cp_theta_rh, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_delta_T, cp_theta_rh, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel) kernel_args = [x_seq, v_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, cp_reciprocal_tau, cp_delta_T, cp_theta_rh, cp_v_threshold, cp_v_rest, cp_v_reset, cp_neuron_num, cp_numel] kernel = MultiStepEIFNodePTT.create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset, dtype) kernel( (blocks,), (threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if requires_grad: ctx.use_pad = use_pad if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: ctx.s_shape = spike_seq.shape ctx.s_tk = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.store_bool(spike_seq) ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, v_v_seq) else: ctx.save_for_backward(h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq) ctx.blocks = blocks ctx.threads = threads ctx.cp_numel = cp_numel ctx.cp_neuron_num = cp_neuron_num ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau = cp_reciprocal_tau ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau = cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau ctx.cp_theta_rh = cp_theta_rh ctx.cp_reciprocal_delta_T = cp_reciprocal_delta_T ctx.cp_v_threshold = cp_v_threshold ctx.cp_v_reset = cp_v_reset ctx.detach_reset = detach_reset ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun = sg_cuda_code_fun if use_pad: return spike_seq[..., :-1], v_v_seq[1:, ..., :-1] else: return spike_seq, v_v_seq[1:, ]
[文档] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq): if ctx.use_pad: # grad_spike_seq.shape = [T, N] # grad_v_seq.shape = [T, N] # h_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] # spike_seq.shape = [T, N + 1] grad_spike_seq = F.pad(grad_spike_seq, (0, 1)) grad_v_seq = F.pad(grad_v_seq, (0, 1)) device = grad_spike_seq.get_device() if configure.save_spike_as_bool_in_neuron_kernel: spike_seq = tensor_cache.BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE.get_float(ctx.s_tk, ctx.s_shape) h_seq, v_v_seq = ctx.saved_tensors else: h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq = ctx.saved_tensors zero_shape = list(grad_spike_seq.shape) zero_shape[0] += 1 zero_data = torch.zeros(zero_shape, device=grad_spike_seq.device, dtype=grad_spike_seq.dtype) grad_x_seq = zero_data[0: -1] grad_v_init = zero_data[-1] if ctx.cp_v_reset is None: hard_reset = False else: hard_reset = True if grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float32: dtype = 'fp32' elif grad_spike_seq.dtype == torch.float16: dtype = 'fp16' else: raise NotImplementedError kernel = MultiStepEIFNodePTT.create_bptt_kernel(ctx.sg_cuda_code_fun, hard_reset, ctx.detach_reset, dtype) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device): if hard_reset: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_theta_rh, ctx.cp_reciprocal_delta_T, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_theta_rh, ctx.cp_reciprocal_delta_T, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_theta_rh, ctx.cp_reciprocal_delta_T, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_v_reset, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] else: grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_theta_rh, ctx.cp_reciprocal_delta_T, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_theta_rh, ctx.cp_reciprocal_delta_T, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel) kernel_args = [grad_spike_seq, grad_v_seq, h_seq, spike_seq, v_v_seq, grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, ctx.cp_theta_rh, ctx.cp_reciprocal_delta_T, ctx.cp_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_one_sub_reciprocal_tau, ctx.cp_v_threshold, ctx.cp_neuron_num, ctx.cp_numel] kernel( (ctx.blocks,), (ctx.threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device, *kernel_args ) ) if ctx.use_pad: return grad_x_seq[..., :-1], grad_v_init[..., :-1], None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None else: return grad_x_seq, grad_v_init, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
[文档]def save_cuda_codes(cu_file_path: str = './spikingjelly/activation_based/neuron_kernel_sample.cu'): # save all cuda codes to files with open(cu_file_path, 'w+') as cu_file: cu_file.write('// This file is created by spikingjelly.activation_based.neuron_kernel.save_cuda_codes.\n') cu_file.write('// Note that codes in this file will not be executed This file is just created for reading.\n') for ms_neu in [MultiStepIFNodePTT]: cu_file.write('\n// ' + ms_neu.__name__ + '\n') for sg in surrogate._has_cuda_: for hard_reset in [True, False]: for dtype in ['fp32', 'fp16']: cu_file.write( f'\n// {ms_neu.__name__} fptt {sg.__name__}, hard_reset={hard_reset}, dtype={dtype}\n') fp_codes = ms_neu.create_fptt_kernel(hard_reset, dtype).code cu_file.write(fp_codes) for detach_reset in [True, False]: cu_file.write( f'\n// {ms_neu.__name__} bptt {sg.__name__}, hard_reset={hard_reset}, dtype={dtype}, detach_reset={detach_reset}\n') bp_codes = ms_neu.create_bptt_kernel(sg().cuda_code, hard_reset, detach_reset, dtype).code cu_file.write(bp_codes)