spikingjelly.activation_based.tensor_cache 源代码

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import threading
from .. import configure
from . import cuda_utils
import logging
    import cupy
except BaseException as e:
    logging.info(f'spikingjelly.activation_based.tensor_cache: {e}')
    cupy = None

[文档]class DataTypeConvertCUDACode: float2bool = r''' extern "C" __global__ void float2bool(const float* fs, unsigned char* bs, const int &N) { // assert N == numel / 8 and numel % 8 == 0 const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < N) { bs[index] = 0; const int mem_offset = (index << 3); #pragma unroll for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bs[index] += ( ((unsigned char) fs[mem_offset + i]) << i); } } } ''' half2bool = r''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void half2bool(const half* fs, unsigned char* bs, const int &N) { // assert N == numel / 8 and numel % 8 == 0 const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < N) { bs[index] = 0; const int mem_offset = (index << 3); #pragma unroll for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bs[index] += ( ((unsigned char) __half2float(fs[mem_offset + i])) << i); } } } ''' bool2float = r''' extern "C" __global__ void bool2float(const unsigned char* bs, float* fs, const int &N) { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < N) { const int mem_offset = (index << 3); unsigned char compressed_v = bs[index]; #pragma unroll for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { fs[mem_offset + i] = (float) (compressed_v % 2); compressed_v = (compressed_v >> 1); } } } ''' bool2half = r''' #include <cuda_fp16.h> extern "C" __global__ void bool2half(const unsigned char* bs, half* fs, const int &N) { const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (index < N) { const int mem_offset = (index << 3); unsigned char compressed_v = bs[index]; #pragma unroll for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { fs[mem_offset + i] = __float2half((float) (compressed_v % 2)); compressed_v = (compressed_v >> 1); } } } '''
[文档]def float_spike_to_bool(spike: torch.Tensor): s_dtype = spike.dtype if s_dtype == torch.float: kernel_codes = DataTypeConvertCUDACode.float2bool kernel_name = 'float2bool' elif s_dtype == torch.half: kernel_codes = DataTypeConvertCUDACode.half2bool kernel_name = 'half2bool' else: raise NotImplementedError s_shape = spike.shape spike = spike.flatten() s_padding = 8 - spike.numel() % 8 if s_padding != 0 and s_padding != 8: spike = F.pad(spike, (0, s_padding)) device_id = spike.get_device() spike_b = torch.zeros([spike.numel() // 8], device=spike.device, dtype=torch.uint8) with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device_id): numel = spike_b.numel() blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(numel) numel = cupy.asarray(numel) spike, spike_b, numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(spike, spike_b, numel) kernel_args = [spike, spike_b, numel] kernel = cupy.RawKernel( kernel_codes, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend ) kernel( (blocks,), (configure.cuda_threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device_id, *kernel_args ) ) return spike_b, s_dtype, s_shape, s_padding
[文档]def bool_spike_to_float(spike_b: torch.Tensor, s_dtype: torch.dtype, s_shape: torch.Size, s_padding: int = 0): device_id = spike_b.get_device() spike = torch.zeros(spike_b.numel() * 8, device=spike_b.device, dtype=s_dtype) if s_dtype == torch.float: kernel_codes = DataTypeConvertCUDACode.bool2float kernel_name = 'bool2float' elif s_dtype == torch.half: kernel_codes = DataTypeConvertCUDACode.bool2half kernel_name = 'bool2half' else: raise NotImplementedError with cuda_utils.DeviceEnvironment(device_id): numel = spike_b.numel() blocks = cuda_utils.cal_blocks(numel) numel = cupy.asarray(numel) spike_b, spike, numel = cuda_utils.get_contiguous(spike_b, spike, numel) kernel_args = [spike_b, spike, numel] kernel = cupy.RawKernel( kernel_codes, kernel_name, options=configure.cuda_compiler_options, backend=configure.cuda_compiler_backend ) kernel( (blocks,), (configure.cuda_threads,), cuda_utils.wrap_args_to_raw_kernel( device_id, *kernel_args ) ) if s_padding != 0 and s_padding != 8: spike = spike[0: spike.numel() - s_padding] return spike.reshape(s_shape)
[文档]def tensor_key(x: torch.Tensor): x = x.flatten() return x.data_ptr(), x[-1].data_ptr(), x.numel()
[文档]class BoolTensorCache: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.cache_dict = {} self.cache_refcount_dict = {} self.lock = threading.Lock()
[文档] def store_bool(self, spike: torch.FloatTensor or torch.HalfTensor): tk = tensor_key(spike) self.lock.acquire() if tk not in self.cache_dict: if configure.save_bool_spike_level == 0: self.cache_dict[tk] = (spike.bool(), spike.dtype) elif configure.save_bool_spike_level == 1: self.cache_dict[tk] = float_spike_to_bool(spike) else: raise NotImplementedError self.cache_refcount_dict[tk] = 1 else: self.cache_refcount_dict[tk] += 1 self.lock.release() return tk
[文档] def get_float(self, tk, spike_shape: torch.Size): if configure.save_bool_spike_level == 0: spike, s_dtype = self.cache_dict[tk] spike = spike.to(s_dtype) elif configure.save_bool_spike_level == 1: spike = bool_spike_to_float(*self.cache_dict[tk]) else: raise NotImplementedError self.lock.acquire() self.cache_refcount_dict[tk] -= 1 if self.cache_refcount_dict[tk] == 0: del self.cache_refcount_dict[tk] del self.cache_dict[tk] self.lock.release() return spike.view(spike_shape)
BOOL_TENSOR_CACHE = BoolTensorCache()