spikingjelly.timing_based.neuron 源代码

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import math

[文档]class Tempotron(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, T, tau=15.0, tau_s=15.0 / 4, v_threshold=1.0): ''' :param in_features: 输入数量,含义与nn.Linear的in_features参数相同 :param out_features: 输出数量,含义与nn.Linear的out_features参数相同 :param T: 仿真周期 :param tau: LIF神经元的积分时间常数 :param tau_s: 突触上的电流的衰减时间常数 :param v_threshold: 阈值电压 Gutig R, Sompolinsky H. The tempotron: a neuron that learns spike timing–based decisions[J]. Nature \ Neuroscience, 2006, 9(3): 420-428. 中提出的Tempotron模型 ''' super().__init__() self.tau = tau self.tau_s = tau_s self.T = T self.v_threshold = v_threshold self.fc = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias=False) # v0要求使psp_kernel的最大值为v_threshold,通过求极值点,计算出最值 t_max = (tau * tau_s * math.log(tau / tau_s)) / (tau - tau_s) self.v0 = self.v_threshold / (math.exp(-t_max / tau) - math.exp(-t_max / tau_s))
[文档] @staticmethod def psp_kernel(t: torch.Tensor, tau, tau_s): ''' :param t: 表示时刻的tensor :param tau: LIF神经元的积分时间常数 :param tau_s: 突触上的电流的衰减时间常数 :return: t时刻突触后的LIF神经元的电压值 ''' # 指数衰减的脉冲输入 return (torch.exp(-t / tau) - torch.exp(-t / tau_s)) * (t >= 0).float()
[文档] @staticmethod def mse_loss(v_max, v_threshold, label, num_classes): ''' :param v_max: Tempotron神经元在仿真周期内输出的最大电压值,与forward函数在ret_type == 'v_max'时的返回值相\ 同。shape=[batch_size, out_features]的tensor :param v_threshold: Tempotron的阈值电压,float或shape=[batch_size, out_features]的tensor :param label: 样本的真实标签,shape=[batch_size]的tensor :param num_classes: 样本的类别总数,int :return: 分类错误的神经元的电压,与阈值电压之差的均方误差 ''' wrong_mask = ((v_max >= v_threshold).float() != F.one_hot(label, num_classes)).float() return torch.sum(torch.pow((v_max - v_threshold) * wrong_mask, 2)) / label.shape[0]
[文档] def forward(self, in_spikes: torch.Tensor, ret_type): ''' :param in_spikes: shape=[batch_size, in_features] in_spikes[:, i]表示第i个输入脉冲的脉冲发放时刻,介于0到T之间,T是仿真时长 in_spikes[:, i] < 0则表示无脉冲发放 :param ret_type: 返回值的类项,可以为'v','v_max','spikes' :return: ret_type == 'v': 返回一个shape=[batch_size, out_features, T]的tensor,表示out_features个Tempotron神经元在仿真时长T\ 内的电压值 ret_type == 'v_max': 返回一个shape=[batch_size, out_features]的tensor,表示out_features个Tempotron神经元在仿真时长T\ 内的峰值电压 ret_type == 'spikes': 返回一个out_spikes,shape=[batch_size, out_features]的tensor,表示out_features个Tempotron神\ 经元的脉冲发放时刻,out_spikes[:, i]表示第i个输出脉冲的脉冲发放时刻,介于0到T之间,T是仿真时长。out_spikes[:, i] < 0\ 表示无脉冲发放 ''' t = torch.arange(0, self.T).to(in_spikes.device) # t = [0, 1, 2, ..., T-1] shape=[T] t = t.view(1, 1, t.shape[0]).repeat(in_spikes.shape[0], in_spikes.shape[1], 1) # shape=[batch_size, in_features, T] in_spikes = in_spikes.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, self.T) # shape=[batch_size, in_features, T] v_in = self.v0 * self.psp_kernel(t - in_spikes, self.tau, self.tau_s) * (in_spikes >= 0).float() # in_spikes[:, i] < 0的位置,输入电压也为0 v_out = self.fc(v_in.permute(0, 2, 1)).permute(0, 2, 1) # shape=[batch_size, out_features, T] if ret_type == 'v': return v_out elif ret_type == 'v_max': return F.max_pool1d(v_out, kernel_size=self.T).squeeze() elif ret_type == 'spikes': max_index = v_out.argmax(dim=2) # shape=[batch_size, out_features] # 用soft arg max的方法,将tempotron扩展到多层 t = torch.arange(0, self.T).to(in_spikes.device) # t = [0, 1, 2, ..., T-1] shape=[T] t = t.view(1, 1, t.shape[0]).repeat(in_spikes.shape[0], v_out.shape[1], 1) # shape=[batch_size, out_features, T] max_index_soft = (F.softmax(v_out * self.T, dim=2) * t).sum(dim=2) # shape=[batch_size, out_features] v_max = F.max_pool1d(v_out, kernel_size=self.T).squeeze() mask = (v_max >= self.v_threshold).float() * 2 - 1 # mask_soft = torch.tanh(v_max - self.v_threshold) # mask中的元素均为±1,表示峰值电压是否过阈值 max_index = max_index * mask # max_index_soft = max_index_soft * mask_soft max_index_soft = max_index_soft * mask # print('max_index\n', max_index, '\nmax_index_soft\n', max_index_soft) return max_index_soft + (max_index - max_index_soft).detach() else: raise ValueError